Hello! Both versions (Android APK and iOS TestFlight) should have Kouya and Rui's routes!
Matchaa Studio
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hi! If you're on TestFlight please update to the latest build (81) otherwise, if you're on Android, please download the latest version on this page!
That build should include a fix for that progression blocker (verified by a member of our Discord community who was encountering that issue). However, we've fixed this issue multiple times now and it seems there are device/platform specific bugs.
Once you've updated, please replay the last 2 chapters in Day 2: "A Shift in Focus" and "To Tomorrow". After replaying those chapters, you should be able to progress to Day 3.
If you're still encountering issues after updating your version, please feel free to join our Discord community where we will be able to provide even more in-depth support!
Hi everyone! It's been a while but we're happy to announce that we're beta testing Kouya and Rui's routes!
A new APK with the beta build is available in the Downloads section for Android users while iOS users can use this TestFlight invite link to get access to the beta:
Please check out our latest devlog for more info!