What a nice game, boring as hell so I ran 6 monkey factory at the same time. 130 minutes and they are done

Here's the screenshot that I finished this
Also there was no randomness and they all finished the same time I ran them
pretty good game, got sub 1 min run (55 sec) (started time on first contact with a ball (level 1); and ended on the end (end of the bonus levels))
techs i used:
level 2 - jump just before falling and shoot right
level 4 - on start go right and shoot up, then jump mid-air
(not needed) level 6 - HARD SKIP: same as level 4 but when you will be near orange shoot right
transition into bonus levels - spam enter
bonus 1 - collect key, jump mid-air and shoot down while going right
bonus 2 - when on the center of the button - jump and shoot down then just go right and jump when needed
bonus 4 - jump on orange and when you will be on height of 2nd target shoot, wait a sec and just go right, then shoot 3rd target
yeah I think you should create a Discord server
because this game is similar to Red Ball series but has a better potential
and it's speedrun-based so you can discover new tricks and shortcuts (like I did on lvl 10) and discuss them
(im not sure that you need help with Discord server, but if you need: mate108#9949)