Is it possible to lighten the screen colour? Black wire on a dark grey background doesn't work very well.
Is it possible to edit the built in library components?
It might be worth trying - find the txt files from sym1, they should be in the appdata\locallow\sebastian lague\digital logic sym\save data\<name of your project> file. Just copy or move them to the
sebastian lague _ lime inc_\digital logicsym\save data\<your project> file. That should make them show up when you open the file in sym2.
I have added my chips from sym1 into your sym2 and they show up along the bottom. I can edit them (though the wires don't show (see the previous thread)).
There were already a list of chips along the bottom of the global project that I can use but when I go to edit they don't show up on the list? Are they stored somewhere else? can I edit them?