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Máté Pribelszky

A member registered Aug 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks! This one was a really early attempt of mine at properly finishing a project, and Through The Fragmentation is basically in the middle between this and Fragmented City - I hope you'll have a good time with that one as well. Some players didn't like the ending(s) that much, but I think the exploration still works pretty good.

Cool little game! Great intro and outro, nice pixel art graphics, and I also liked the little ideas related to collecting the different items and what they unlock for the player.

I'm a little bit thorn apart by the action point system and how that limits navigation, but since you went for a puzzle game, I guess it makes sense that it's a constant problem the player has to solve and manage. Not sure what plans you've got for your upcoming game, but I'm quite curious whether or not you will go further with the idea.

Hey, sorry for the late reply. Just wanted to let you know that the GPU related problems (glitching and whatnot) got magically solved meanwhile :D I suppose Windows has updated the driver in the background, or something. Should have known ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

The game has really cool aesthetics, so it would have been quite the shame if it struggled on certain computers.

I've already dropped some feedback on Twitter, but would like to add something else here as well:
I really do respect the different risks you've been taking with this project. Not 100% sure I get everything, but you tried out a good couple stuff with UI that I found quite intriguing. Whether the full game will work, or not, I can't tell, but the end result will certainly be an interesting and unique project to study. So, keep it up!

p.s.: let me know if you need any testers.

(1 edit)

Thanks! The full version depends a lot on whether I can or cannot pitch the game to a publisher, but either way I'll try to do my best to bring the project together. There are quite some exciting parts I've already made, but didn't add to the demo.

Hi, another developer here!

First of all, respect for going with the Godot engine - I've made multiple failed attempts at getting used to it, definitely has its weird quirks and (especially debugging wise) technical shortcomings.

About the demo: it's very interesting, but unfortunately my session was doomed by technical and gameplay problems. Visuals were constantly glitching, random sprites appeared for single frames (was kinda headache inducing), and when I switched between windowed and fullscreen mode, the UI freaked out. Tinkering with one setting solved it thankfully. Honestly, not sure if these were Godot, or my GPU (or both) specific problems, but I've never seen anything like these in any other game.

Also, I think there might be a bug somewhere in the settings panel, some tinkering, or config saving made the fullscreen switching.

About the gameplay: I gotta admit I'm not a big JRPG player, but have played some (even one with a similar first person implementation), and can definitely enjoy these types of games. Here, I had no clue what was going on. I might have missed some text, but I don't get what's that diminishing Focus was about. Kinda reminded me of the game called Minit, where you get only 60 seconds in a time loop before dying (except there are some pickupables here that can regain or expand the Focus). Personally I felt this way too gimmicky - and if I may say, even annoying -, but looking at the other comments, I guess it's just me.

Another thing I didn't get was the combat. Frankly, I couldn't find out how to beat any of the enemies. Collected quite a lot of items, experimented with them in different ways, but nope. Nothing, not even close. Again, judging by the other comments, it seems that it's just me... though I have no clue what did I miss.

Well, even though my session went... like that, I still think the game has some cool potential - thus why I leave this hopefully rather constructive(?) post here. Either way, good luck with wrapping up the project!

Sure, discussing it sounds cool, I'm pretty curious about the development. Seems like you can handle the project, but if you got some Unity or C# related questions, perhaps I can even help you out. Anyway, just feel free to drop your contact into my email inbox ( I'm usually the most available on Discord, but if you don't have an account, we'll figure out something.

"How did you know about the Old version , and it seems like you prefer the old version ?"
I played the original version a good couple of years ago - though reading the 6-7 years old comments about the game not working properly made me somewhat unsure about where and how I exactly did that (perhaps on GameJolt). I don't have anything against the new version, by the way, except perhaps I liked the graphics in the old one slightly more(?) The way the new birds have colors similar to the command fields is a little bit confusing for now, but perhaps you have some plans with that.

"Player not supposed to change boxes states after bird starts walking .  but Would explore the idea of giving that option."
Definitely do so. While the bug made some puzzles much easier (not necessarily a problem, in my opinion), I think it's interesting and exciting how a player can combine planning with real time actions.

By the way, to me (as a fellow developer) it's pretty cool to see how you're still interested in this game concept after all these years. I hope you can find some ways to expand it into exciting directions. Can't wait till the next update!

It's a shame the old version doesn't work in the browser anymore (or at least it doesn't work for me in Firefox), but it's cool we now have this. Really nice puzzle game. I hope you'll add a selection screen soon though. Starting the game over and over again quickly becomes cumbersome (tried to show the game to a friend of mine on a smartphone, but I accidentally closed the app).

Two questions:

1. Is it intended that you can change the boxes while the bird is walking? I don't think it's a bad idea, adds a new layer to the puzzle solving. 2. What is the flying ability for? I couldn't make the bird flying except on the starting field.

Also, there are two bugs I found:
1. the boxes are clickable even when the chapter screen is visible
2. chapter 1/quest 9 seems broken. When it loads there is no map, and the UI becomes weird

Interesting little game, it has a cool atmosphere - and I liked the story a lot. Great stuff!

Not a fan of the unskippable, 2 and a half minutes intro though (had to re-start the game because accidentally interacted with the bathroom carpet after the mirror talk and... not sure if I was dumb, but that made me stuck) - but that's just a small criticism.

I'm quite interested to see how your next project (Elation For The Wonder Box 6000) will turn out, looks pretty ambitious (hopefully not too much), but very promising. Good luck!

Cool! Planning to release any demo or beta builds?

This one completely fell under my radar so far - unfortunately, because I think it's actually pretty good. I especially enjoyed the part when the game suddenly ran out of levels and I was teleported to test areas. I don't know how intentional it was, but turned out to be a fun surprise to me at least.

oh sweet lord...💀

I really like the atmosphere, but I couldn't make sense of the second puzzle. Any clues? Or even the solution? xD

Interestingly, I didn't intentionally make them look like birds, but basically everyone who played this game called them birdmen, or bird people. I liked it so much, even re-designed the characters in Through The Fragmentation to look more bird-ish : )

Very cute game, and the puzzles are pretty fun! One question (out of curiosity): did Sir Clops have an ability at any point of the development?

As I played the current version of the game, I realized the Space key (for starting a new round) doesn't work while you're playing the game. That is perfectly fine - since the player at least cannot accidentally reset their score -, but then it means there is only one context when the Space key has a function.

I think you can just show a "press Space to start a new round" message on the screen whenever the player can actually do that. Putting the key in the controls panel is a bit confusing, because it suggests, the key has a less context specific function.

Besides this, the improvements are cool 👍

Too bad the code base is just horrible. I think that's what especially convinced me I should focus on the next installment instead xD

It's a pretty cool Godot practice overall, so first of all - well done!

The problematic part is the upgrading system, it seems pretty unbalanced and confusing. As far as I can tell, sometimes it's hard or even impossible to tell if an upgrade makes any difference at all (upgraded the throwing star at least 4-5 times) - and some other times while an upgrade helps a lot at first (the damage multiplier), seemingly doesn't do anything later on.

If you ask me, it would be worth to have another look at the codes and re-balance the system, I suspect that with a minimal effort, the game could reach its potential and become a very-very fun idle game.

I'm glad to hear that! I often wonder how much the chance is that someone can randomly sumble upon it :D

Ah, by the way - perhaps consider leaving a review on Steam. I'm not entirely sure how its almighty algorithm works, but as far as I can tell the reviews help the game get recommended by the discovery queue. Previously a player has told me they found the game thanks to that (perhaps you too).

Either way, thanks for you feedback a lot! :) I genuinely hope one day you can enjoy the sequel as well.

Thanks a lot! :) Though I had to temporarily cancel the development of the "sequel", hopefully I can get back to work on it as soon as possible - we'll see. What I've already managed to put together is pretty exciting (most of my energies went into two city hub districts, but I was able to add some new gameplay features as well).

And they say there are no happy ends in real life :')

I hope you'll enjoy the full version as well, it's superior to the demo from 2019 in every way.

Considering it was made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare, it's a pretty cool little game. I liked the atmosphere and the music a lot - though I encountered a quite annoying bug in the tool maker's shop. When I exit the building I usually got stuck in a loop and the game opened the tool maker's dialog outside the shop whenever I tried to press up for climbing ladders. I usually had to re-enter and exit the building again and again till it got magically fixed.

Besides this technical issue, nice work!

Cool! :) Show them the demo, perhaps (you can download it for free). There are a few slightly disturbing moments (and topics) in the game, but besides those it's completely non-violent. You can't kill anyone nor be died.

Interesting little game. I think this is probably the closest thing to what you get when you  cross Hellboy (demon-like main character), Mad Max (apocalyptic environment)  and The Mandalorian (fostering a non-human child).

While it's a bit too linear (the vast majority of the game is pressing a button to continue) - therefore it's rather an interactive, half-animated comic novel - as a debut project it certainly is pretty good and has some fun ideas! Right now it kinda feels like a project made for a game jam which would definitely be worth to expand. I hope you'll decide to do that. Keep it up! :)

Thanks : ) Yep, it was made using the Unity engine - not the most recent one though. I've used the 2018 LTS version, because that was the most stable one when I started to work on the game, and I felt skeptic about moving the project into a newer version in the middle of the development (as it turned out later on I was right about that).

Nope, I hate jumpscares with every cell of my body, so you don't have to worry about them while playing any of my current or future games :D

Based on the opinion of other players, the game has a rather relaxing atmosphere with melancholic undertones. Just be prepared to its occasional weirdness :)

I just released the game I have been working on for two and a half years - some of you may already played the demo meanwhile.

It's a relatively small scaled first person adventure game focusing on immersion and exploration. You can talk to the many strange characters, discover hidden areas and secrets, etc. Tasks are often optional or can be solved in different ways, so multiple playthroughs are pretty much recommended.

Here is the trailer:

The sprite work is pretty good so far :)

By the way, I haven't heard of PICO-8 before, so I had to check it out. Damn it's crazy, but seems like a lot of fun too!

Really interesting little game. I still couldn't finish it, but it often comes into my mind - mostly because I can hardly wait to see how the updated version will turn out. I wonder which aspects you're planning to change or improve. Keep it up! :)

Hey, FullThrough!

Thanks for the nice review and the walkthrough as well. The demo is pretty old (originally released in October, 2019), so it was great to see again how someone finds their way to the end. The last player I saw playing the game got stuck at the beginning :D

Hope that later on you can play the full version too, it has a tons of exciting additions. Thanks again, and keep up the videos! :)

Yes, the Steam demo is technically the same version you covered back in 2019. There is an updated version I shared with the beta testers though, but I intentionally want to keep as many surprises for the final version as possible. It's going to be pretty exciting :)

Hmm 🤔 Well, I'd definitely have needed a lot of help during the development, but right now I think spreading the word about the game may be the the best kind of help anyone can do... (?) If you have any friends who may be interested in the game, feel free to share it with them :)

But besides that if you're really serious, you can contact me, so we can figure it out for... dunno - possible future projects maybe(?) We'll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm looking for playing your game 'Adrian' later on anyway, so I can share my thoughts with you. If you have a Discord account, just add me there (Máté#9263).

Hey, thank you, dude! 🙏 Also it's really nice to see you here too 🙂

Thank you! I especially appreciate the fact that you created this account just for being able to tell me how much you enjoyed the game. It means a lot :)
Although the development definitely slowed down a lot recently (partly because I need to focus on my university studies), I keep working on it and try to finish the game as soon as possible. Of course the main priority is still the quality of the end product. I hope you'll like it :)

Stay tuned!

Oh, it definitely is! :)
The game obviously won't change the world or something, but I try to do my best and expand it into an enjoyable and satisfying game. The first one (The Hidden Fragmentation) was kinda half-baked here and there - which I try to avoid with this one. I guess we'll see how that turns out.

Hey, thanks for making a video about both of the Fragmentation games, man! : )

By the way I'm planning to leave a more detailed comment under your video.

Thanks! I probably should finally finish the game as soon as possible. Some players have been waiting for the final version since... last October (?) :D

Anyway thanks for playing the game! :)

Ah, yes! Thanks for posting the video here as well :)