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Mateusz Wojtkowski PP

A member registered Jan 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great video thanks!

Really pretty and polished game building your own mines was very satisying!

Great twist on panel de pon gameplay and pretty visuals my only gripe with game is relentless of AI in final stage fun game!

I can't even count how many times my duck was shredded into pieces but i had fun great game!

I really like concept and clear presentation but i felt like ball was in constant slow motion otherwise great entry!

I had blast driving around! driving physics reminded me of old Colin Mcrea Rally games. Great entry!

Fun game! especially deflecting few bullets at time was satisfying

I really liked your idea and snappy controls i was trying to get everything in one run but respawning of items made it impossible but i really enjoy my time!

Thanks for feedback!

I had a lot of fun!

Hej dzięki za komentarz! po tym jak Ryszard Laska skończy swój dialog możesz przejść w głąb piwnicy

I really like this combat system but i hate when randomly i lose all my stamina from doing just one punch while enemy is doing like 10 of those every few secounds

Really fun game with zx spectrum like aesthetic
