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A member registered Jan 15, 2023

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Ok, no quiero hacer esto largo, asi que solo dire algunas cosas
El menu principal es muy basico y puede mejorarse bastante, pero me encanta el menu de carga.
Las personalidades estan bien pero la historia tambien podria mejorar, en cuanto a las opciones, estan bien, el juego es bonito pero muy basico, le doy un solido 6/10, lo mejor es el humor, sugiero que lo mantengas

what the fuck? xd

It's the cheat menu edition, it's only available for patreons :(


small visual bug with the marks, also if you lose the first duel against Akarion, you cannot access the cheat menu and Rhianna's dialogue can be repeated over and over again, that's all in bugs.

I don't want to ask anything, I just want to say that I admire the fact that you take the time to respond to each comment, as a game developer I know that it can be a little annoying or stressful, I'm impressed that you are able to respond to the criticism and opinions of quite mature way, surely you also take the time to read this comment, so, I want to tell you that I am proud of you, not only as a developer, but as a person, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you can prosper with this project, move forward at your own pace and keep putting love into what you do.

It's nice to sometimes see messages of support, I hope you know that the amount of effort and detail you put into it makes me quite happy, don't stress out doing something like you do, I hope you had a happy year and a successful life.

I admire and respect you, with love, an anonymous critic

The game is as stupid as Neco Arc itself... and I love it, it's stupid, uses pngs taken from Google and it is complete nonsense, the auditory section is fine and I have to admit that everything that happened made me laugh a lot, Its plot develops organically and is faithful to the personality of her protagonist. I think it lacked a little more racism, but other than that everything was fine.

Conclusion good game, good plot and excellent character development, but need a little more pilk  8/10

I loved the game, the only problem I had was with the music, sometimes it doesn't fit with what is happening, I also reviewed the game files, and why wasn't the Future Lala sprite included? I don't know if you forgot to do it or you didn't want to use it, but it seems to me that it could appear in the good ending, besides that, beautiful game, I loved it

I loved the game, my only critic would be the personality of the protagonist so flat, lewis always has the same personality, I wish the player could guide him to be evil or good, not the circumstances, the player.