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Mattia Traverso

A member registered Sep 03, 2014

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heyo, it's all cool!

I saw some of your other comments and I think you're leaving some very constructive criticism - so perhaps this was all a big misunderstanding :)

I should thank you though - you gave me food for thought, so I wrote this post.

The post is not about you at all, but rather the thought process that you sparked!

Take care Epsiom

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Hey Epsiom,

I see you discover our little trick :) The multiplayer is yet another twist on the “Only One” theme, which we personally really like and have been openly talking about, so no deception there past the first few minutes. We are sorry you didn’t like it, as so far we have been receiving mostly positive feedback. 

As for the song, we felt it fit too well to remove it. We accept any consequence that this might bring, regardless of whether the WIN build is taken into consideration or not. 

I’d like to point out that jams are supposed to be about having fun and making nice things together, while you seem under the assumption that this is a very important competition with strict rules. If having licensed music in one of the builds means being disqualified - so be it. We are only in it to have fun and play cool games. I’d recommend changing your attitude regarding these events - you’ll enjoy it more. 

Take the best of care,


Heyo! Here's our multiplayer-y Where's Waldo:


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We kinda tried with our game ( ) but then realised we weren't gonna pull it off, so we just simulated it haha

We spent more time on writing fake usernames than the AI and... it miraculously works. We felt like having a fake multiplayer game would be a good twist on "Only One" too!

Now I am curious whether someone actually managed to pull it off. Have you seen any multiplayer games?

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It happens rarely, but sometimes in our Waldo game you might get an extra character looking exactly like Waldo who isn't Waldo... unless my colour blindness is acting up and they're actually different :D

The theme is “only one” so we felt it’d be a good twist on it haha

Super elegant. Love it.

I can see you put a lot of content in it, which is commendable! My recommendation would be tweak the composition of the game a bit more - it's at times very hard to read.

Really funny. I wish you'd have taken this somewhat further, although admittedly I am not sure how.

The wizards art is pretty cute! You should finish the game eventually :)

Awesome! Initially we had a similar idea based on Dexter's Omelette Du Fromage, but couldn't really figure it out!

 But you sir have truly made it work perfectly :)