I should probably add a “journeyman” on there somewhere! Haha
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I created some character cards (sheets) for use with Journeyman:
This is great, very close in design to my Arneson Gaming I released here on itch a while back, but I love what you have done with the conditions, excellent work! Great job!
There is not unfortunately. I did this as a passion project for myself and posted it here because I thought some people might be interested. I might at some point in the future pick it back up and rework the cards, but given the amount of time invested to create something like this and compared to the level of feedback and interest, I do not find it likely. For the nearly 4000 downloads this project has had, I’ve made about $32.
I have written probably a dozen attempts at a small RPG using Body, Mind, and Will with body being physical, mind being knowledge, and will being social/presence/willpower sort of thing. I have actually thought the three attributes do a fantastic job of covering all manner of RPG descriptive traits.
Great work, this is really good. The strain mechanic is excellent and allows a bit of tiring or damage to be applied slowly over the course of an adventure, very cool.
I think I would add in a houserule to roll double the attribute die when the character's Role is applicable to to the task. Example: George is a thief and attempting to figure out a trap to disarm it. His Mind is d6, with his thief role, I would have him roll a 2d6, taking the highest to overcome the difficulty. I could see where this could result in a player trying to justify how his role applies to nearly everything, but that is why we have GMs. ;-)
This one is pretty tough with multiple baddies with over 20hp so you are going to need 4-6 party members probably 2-4th level, but a weaker and creative party could do it. That said, if the baddies seem to powerful for your party, simply lower the HP and reduce the damage they can inflict (2d8 -> 2d6 or 2d4). Should work for any level with just a little tweaking.
I just completed my first playthrough, starting with the Frost Giant Jarl, wow! Amazing how deep and evolved the game became and how I was on the edge of my seat wanting to see how my hero Uhtred fared against the giants.
One of the most solid single page games I have come across, you really have created a little gem here. Great work!
Also, the play through video was invaluable in understanding how certain things work. I do not see this as a fault of the rules, but a physical limit placed on the small format, so for me, the video merely validated my thoughts on how a rule was supposed to work.
I am sad that this game is licensed for AdvanceQuest because I, and probably others, would love to have made more adventures and add-ons for the game.