If we're thinking of the same tiles the ones with shadows are cobbles and the ones without shadows are paving. Hope this helps!
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Hi, I can't guarantee I'll get round to it but if you have anything you'd like to see let me know, I take requests and suggestions in to account when I'm thinking about future updates and asset packs. I am planning a small update to this free pack in the not too distant future to include mounted units and a couple of unarmed villagers.
Hi, I don't have a Tiled implementation for the current version of the tileset. I'm in the process of putting together an update to make it much easier to use the tileset with autotiling systems and specifically for use with Tiled and I'm aiming to have this finished by early January at the latest.
The third image on this post shows how terrain tiles in the update will map to Tiled's edge based auto-tiling: https://mattwalkden.itch.io/rpg-overworld-tileset/devlog/800175/update-on-the-up...
The current version of the tileset is missing inside corner edges but is designed to allow you to substitute solid terrain tiles for these and it contains versions of all the other tiles needed to create an edge tile set.
I hope this helps out a little in the meantime.
The update is coming soon, I promise! All that's left is to animate some new water tile variants and do some checking to make sure everything tiles correctly. I'm aiming to get it finished by the end of the year / early January at the latest. Feedback and checking out the updates and new asset packs whenever they roll really helps out, and it's always nice to hear what people are up to with the assets.
Production buildings would make a nice addition, I'd have to think about how to implement them though... As for civilian / non-battle units in the style of the Fantasy Battle Pack, In the short term I was planning a small update to the free asset pack with mounted units but long term other asset packs with units / characters in the same style is one of the ideas I've been kicking around - but nothing concrete on that yet...
Hey, I don't have a Tiled set-up but I'm working on an update to make implementing your own much easier: https://mattwalkden.itch.io/rpg-overworld-tileset/devlog/800175/update-on-the-up... . The update has taken longer than I'd expected but it's almost done, I just have to animate some new water tile variants.
As well as fixing the existing tiles for auto-tiling and restructuring the tile set for easier general use I'm going to put together an alternate version of the tile-set for single layer editors.
So all this is coming soon (the next month or so) but in the meantime with the existing tiles the best way I've found to work in Tiled is to have a base layer for grass, a layer for biomes (wasteland, snow, desert, sea etc.), a layer for sub-biomes (long grass, deep snow, deep water etc), and a layer for other features (mountains, buildings, trees). You can use multiple extra layers to overlay different elements too for more variety and more organic looking maps.
They use a mix of edge and corner based connections at the moment. They're designed to work with multiple layers (I usually have a grass layer for the base, a water layer, a layer for other biome types and then a layer for trees + buildings and other features). I've got an update on the way which I'll aim to get finished before the end of the year which will re-work the ground tiles and trees to work with most corner based auto-tiling algorithms as well as composite tiles for single layer editors. I'd hoped to have it finished by now, but it's not long off!
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for letting me know! I've actually been following how your game's been coming along over the past year or so but I hadn't seen this latest update. I used to have an A1200, it's the machine I first really started learning pixel art on, so I'm always keeping an eye on the Amiga scene. I worked on a bunch of little AMOS games with friends back in the day but we never managed to release anything, so it's exciting to see some of my work in something this accomplished!
Best of luck with the game.
- Matt
There's an inside and an outside corner to the shoreline, so you can create a 2 tile thick diagonal line with those. I'm not sure what you mean by checkerboard, but the tileset doesn't allow for alternating land-sea-land-sea tiles. It would be land-shore-sea-shore-land-shore-sea-shore. Hopefully that makes sense!
It's still on it's way, I've ended up adding alternate tiles for terrain edges which has led to me needing to animate extra variations of water tiles etc. I've reworked the trees for auto tiling as well. The end result is you'll have the option for much more organic looking landscapes but still in keeping with the current clean style.
It's a subtle change but it makes a big difference and I'm really happy with the results. I'll do a dev blog post previewing all this when I'm at the stage of polishing up and doing consistency checks. My current plan is to have the update out some time in September.
The license grants you permission to distribute as a component part of an artistic or commercial work the assets in the purchased ZIP archive.
This includes any modification or adaptation of these assets for that purpose.
No attribution is required (but is always nice!). I realised that the license agreement was missing from the archive (!) so I've updated the archive to include it.
The full license text is:
- Permission is given to distribute as a component part of an artistic or commercial work the assets in the archive named “Explosion Pack Upload 18-12-23.zip”.
- You may not sell, rent, license, sublicense, distribute, redistribute, give-away or make available (in any other way) the assets alone or as part of any asset collection.
- You may modify or adapt the assets for personal and commercial use as detailed in section 1. You may not sell or distribute modified versions of the assets as detailed in section 2.
I have a free asset pack available with some unit graphics that you might find useful: https://mattwalkden.itch.io/fantasy-battle-pack
I've got a small update in the works to add ruins, new buildings and farm land. Once that's out of the way I've got plans to address some formatting and tile arrangement issues and I can look at the legacy tile set as part of that. In the meantime you can always overlay tiles and export them in any image editor that supports layers and produce your own merged tiles that way.