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A member registered Aug 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi, thanks for your post. I think the final release is ready during January 2025. Machines can be configured then, for sure.

Hi, ich habe das Level schon gefixed... dauert aber immer ein bischen bis das im Store landet.Bis dahin, Level 21 Code ist: XZTBZQJA

Hi, auf welcher Plattform denn? Für den Amiga gab es ein Longplay und wurde somit durchgespielt hmm. Ansonsten guck ich mir das natürlich sofort an

It's available here.. :-)

(1 edit)

Amiga version will probably come, but first for all Apple machines (iOS, tvOS, macOS).

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No, I didn't. I used WinUAE Savestates and retried a dozen times without success.
The spikes are not the problem, I do not reach them because my jump ends on that wooden stair.  Don't know if its a keyboard problem I am playing with. :-)

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That is strange... If I jump from there I always land on that wooden stair above. :-) I will try again.


really nice game, love it!
Just a question.. I dont know in which level I am exactly but at this point (screenshot) I can't move/jump over to the place I've marked. Any special trick here?

Hiho, can you check latest ADFMaster3 build please.

I will check all these issues at the weekend, sorry sorry.

Hi, check the new version please.

(1 edit)

Sure sure, let me have a look again... don't know why my build settings change constantly. :-)

Test new version please.

Ah, try again... Build was not universal.

Hmmm, does it work when holding CTRL + Right Click on app -> Open ?

Hi, check the new version (3.0).

Klar, wo kann ich dich kontaktieren ?

Thanks for the video, really appreciated ! 

Hi, I don't think so, but never say never. :-)
Perhaps this is something for you, got released some days ago:

Can you check the new upload. Should be an universal app.

(1 edit)

Hi, can you check the new upload.
Still have problems sending the App to the Apple validation server so that the program opens without these strange messages and the need to open it using right mouse + Strg key. 

Hi, try the new uploaded version please... It's all really strange, I will contact Apple if it still doesn't work for you.

Wow great !!! Thanks for showing it, really appreciated! Hope you had a nice time there.

Can you please check the new reuploaded version for this mistake? Thanks.

Hi, I reuploaded another build. Can you please test if this one is working for you.

Hi, can you send me your ADF please.
Sadly I don't own a Gotek to test.
Send to:

Hi, glad to hear its useful for you !

Hmm updated the download version, please try this one. 

Hi, I don't think this is neccessary for Windows.. just use the ADF plugin for TotalCommander for example.

Hi Pascal,

thanks for the advise.
Problem fixed, just re-download.

Please contact me by mail,, I would send you a testversion.

Danke für die netten Worte. Ja, ich wollte mich schon lange darum kümmern aber ich liege hier seit 1 Woche mit ner hartnäckigen Grippe flach und hab zur Zeit keine Lust auf irgendwas. :-) Ich werde aber eine neue Version hochladen, versprochen.

Vielen Dank !!!

I will do, only problem is I need to get such an joypad to test it. :-)

Moin, danke für positiven Kommentar.
Ein Leveleditor wäre theoretisch kein Thema, letztendlich nutze ich ja auch ein freies Tool für die Organisation der Tiles (TILED). Allerdings müsste der dann erst 'from scratch' für den Amiga programmiert werden und da habe ich ehrlich gesagt zu wenig Zeit und Lust zu. Starte da lieber gleich wieder mit nem neuem Projekt. :-)

Habe den Fehler gefunden, wird in v1.3 verbessert.

Moin! Danke für die Info, ich gucke mir das mal genauer an. 
Geiler Stream übrigens!!

Not really, sorry. :(

No, its fully written in Assembler.

Sure... send to