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A member registered Feb 13, 2022

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Can't believe this is your first work, it's really good and the girls are incredibly cute.

Keep up the good work, can't wait for an update!

Ok, came here just to comment:

Lucy and Fiona best girls!!!

(2 edits)

I have a question regarding the party (may include spoilers or not so I'll leave a big space now):

When the party game starts it is said that Koko has to have sex or something like that, but I was focusing more on other characters, anyway... After the test are over and the MC goes back, Koko says something like "I completed all of mine"... Is it implied that she indeed sleep with someone else or am I just dumb and read all wrong? 

Leaving that aside, I loved the game, great characters everywhere, incredibly well made dialogue and lots of funny moments, including the appearing of Chang, I'll keep on playing it cause it's really well made, definitely in my top5 games from this platform.

Keep on the great job!

(1 edit)

Awesome game, everything about it it's 10/10. 

Possible spoiler alert:

But I really hated that moment with Skylar. Not hated as "it was poorly made", it's juts that it kinda hurt to see such a nice relation betwen the MC and her, how you could choose to maybe ruin the relationship with Jessica just to be with her and as soon as the mom says "stay away from him" she doesn't even wants to search for a reason, nope, she just go away. But is still realy well made, the last update shows that something happened betwen the MC and Skylar's mom, so it's a well developed plot and it makes you wanna keep on playing just to figure out what the hell is going on.

Great game, I'll be waiting for the next update.

I've been waiting for this day for so long! and it's finally here!

Just finished playing the last update and it's a really fun game, one of my favorites. Those references to Monty Python were the best! Haven't laughed like that in a lot. 

I just have one tiny problem, after I finishing the Christmas especial event and the training for the pilgrimage, I check Kaede on the social tab and it says to visit her in her room at night, but I can't find her anywhere, what am I supposed to do? :(

Anyway, great game, will be waiting for the next update.

I'm on you with this, Emma is the best girl

I'm just starting episode 5 and... OMFG
I didn't came here to cry like this, Fuck this is well written.