What was updated ? If there is no note for that build does it mean it was only small stuff?
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Hey which data type is it? Also I don't know if it's still needed but I noticed I had an episode question so please answer it I might be interessting to buy. Also will this join a sale? I noticed it's cheaper on steam but I'm unable to buy it there.
I see I asked you something else already to, I might have confused something, but I still want the other question answered if you could.
Do you update both versions with the same content? and what can i honestly expect?, will the price rise?
I try to get an idea about the quality and since this seems to be a bit of a crossover I try to understand how messy or organized the story might be if you know what I mean.
If it get's more complicated my gramar doesn't seems to work to well.
Buying once was buying every version right?
I can't buy this on steam, I sadly have the more than difficult german situation. I don't even know if gifting still works, so I can 't try and make a deal with you for getting the game on steam and paying it here or something. I still have to finalize my decision since i just took interesst in it, but yes that sounds bad for me, the dlc thing I mean.
I would not even get to the shoppage despite me being more than old enough.
Hi, I asked already and maybe a while ago too, but I want to know how much I have to pay if I wante everything, maybe this doesn't include the first two games (there are three now right?)
What is the best version? I think steam and itch.io where different and I can only buy here, but I need to know preferable during the sale what I would have to buy to get everything and the best version.
compressed and not compressed, what's the difference again? Also I know I asked this two times already but the more the merrier and I find it easier again.
I will probably write it down. Was there a good tip for the amount of training? I want to do other things beside training too, but I don't know these all of these easy dead ends you can get. I also haven't played this in a while, I was on the fence a bit I guess.
There are at least 8-12 people loyal enough to wait a huge amount of time and kiss the dev butt to downvote our comments, especially since you kind of can't say you don't manage to write one comment in a year.
Maybe i just didn't cared enough for discord so far and don't see why they can't keep their other places where they sell updated once in a while even if it takes longer.
Thank you. Somehow I only got your comment now.
Alright so I buy it and then I get every build? 15 USD for the main game and bonus content whatever that means correct? I know there will be a little bit added but I want to make sure I got the right price here.
Also I think this was the game where someone said the animations would be somewhat like Summertime Saga?, that is if I want to compare it to something? If it works please add one example to the game page.
How long is the sale?
It was indeed the game found my comment with the summertime comparission again.
Will we be able to play the game here with patreon and the other choices included at some point? Will we get the option to buy it here?
Because I asked already and this is annoying to see whatever that blue button choice was and a patreon option for scenes we will not get while playing the game. Otherwise I like most of what I saw so far.