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A member registered Jun 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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What do you mean by that? Are you stuck in the title screen? If so, press space to see the credits, or enter to start the game ^^ 

(1 edit)

IIIIII've got to say that the game might have been hard because controller support wasn't implemented yet, our team, including one member, is working hard on a patch to make this game available for all players, nevertheless, the game was supposed to be hard, yet I am relieved you liked it considering its very unfinished state, if you haven't found all secret passages (one per level)  I suggest playing the game again, since they make it alot easier and might positively impact your experience, also, thank you for playing my first game. Thank you very much. 

The water was supposed to mix things up a bit, so I am glad it turned out great :3 Thank you very much! 

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it! Can't wait for the next jam :3 

I just hope there isn't too much of everything? Thank you very much :3

It actually IS my first ever game ^^ but I appreciate the praise, thank you so much :3

First time Jammer, dont want to be alone because of that, anyone interested in teaming up?