I really really enjoyed this. Super smooth gameplay, easy to understand, and of course - the art is absolutely the best thing I've ever seen. Keep up the awesome work!! 😁
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Rustbreaker is taking a break for the time-being, I'm afraid. We still have big ambitions for what it will become, but for now we're taking on a smaller and more reasonable project for our little 3-man team! You can check out what we're up to on our Twitter here! :)
Hi Obbie!
I'm Max, one of the three developers working on Rustbreaker - and the resident programmer.
I seriously appreciate such an in-depth look at the game in its current state. At this stage, all feedback goes into a big spreadsheet where we can lay out everything that needs to be done, and how to prioritise it. As such, it is incredibly useful to receive something like this!
I'm glad you're very enthusiastic about Rustbreaker. If you would like to get more involved with it, message me on Twitter; we would love to send you more builds of the game!
Thanks! That effect is something I'm very proud of - but it's actually quite simple. I have a bunch of scripts for general movement, and with a combination of those scripts and parenting you end up with everything on the move. The scripts I use the most involve gradually increasing and decreasing an object's scale (shrink and grow), floating an object up and down or side to side, and moving an object in a circular motion. I hope that makes sense!