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A member registered Mar 11, 2023

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google drive and link?

(3 edits)

Well, the sex is super amazing! I find it hard to get out of bed these days...
Oh, and Blockspin is great too


i did at first but ive accepted that its an art form as well, so long as you arent copying other peoples work to claim as you own i fell. we are influeced ourselves ... a great deal. so i have come to realize it isnrt so black and white... nit to mention, the prompts,output and reaction to the output and basicallly a never ending supply of fresh data that is helping ( at an accellerated rate), to improve machine learning and machine vision... theres constantly peole all day long giving it weird data it would probaly not have otherwise... i mean maybe it would have happened through the old rate of advancement but soooo  much longer if ever. and ive come to accept that if it isnt a replica of someone work, and it brings joy to someone, and they find it asthetically pleasing etc then i would say more than likley not inheriently a bad thing, and perhapos an art form....but computer vision has already surpassed humans in the area of reading images... thats insane.. but i suppose we should all just scuttle the ship because SOMEONE doesnt think its moral... not you my friend but the underwear guy

(4 edits)

so AI learned from data it was fed?! SO WHAT??? ALSO I dont see where it says that it is an AI that based off anything but what you see in the game... its probably a private trained assistant that doesnt have much data but whats in the game... If youre talking about chatgpt, which is the one that articles are about "stealing" peoples work, then  you are still a troglydyte... if you think there is something wrong with ai learning and teaching other peoples works then why is this???... thats one of the reasons data is there right, to learn from it? why cant some scientist pursue advanceing a technology? you pursue making yourself look dumb as shit on the internet.Do you fancy yourself some sort of authority on AI? Perhaps, in your megaolomaniacal mind, you are the God of Higher Learning??? i'll give you the benifit of the doubt and assume you could be smart and just have a big mouth and fly through your life on some sort of surface level tugboat ride, and that you arent actually j  retarded. obviously don't know anything about AI. you dont think before you speak. you obviously let the media get the best of you... oh and those news articles you learned about and then came online and tried to parrot like an 8 year old that belongs to a political party, thise were other peoples works... you didnt even so much write a bs article about bs claims kyou just read the bs and your own thicker bs spin on my (professional) opinion from actually working in the field of AI and thus my expeirences with it in both front and back end, on both the deep learning side and the generative side, these are your people... nothing but a bunch of trolls  and such. you are full of hot air. Science will be pursued - trolls as yourself will get laughed at. youll have to watch as people who actualy are TRYING to do something and share it with people, even the likes of you, will raise above your head into success and wellbeing... you on the otherhand will be making paper hats out of your newspaper articles of their successes if you doint change your ways... how that for irony you crass troll?

go find your favorite news editor, and on your way to the mountains, you two stop and grab the other trolls that cried about their works being "stolen" in the first place... by the way some were honored - HONORED to have their works included  / selected and will make history... you have a right to your opinion, but you dont have a right to come here and be crass to someone for doing exactly what you we telling them to do, but to blind and ignorant to notice they did exactly that. Your nasty un-called for negativity comes off as jealous and like hating on this guy or girls stuff so p*** off.just go get a magizine and read some more crap...  this guy or lady put all this time into prompting and/or coding, possibly training and/or fine tuning (oh yeah theres a whole s*** load of MATH involved if you are actually building your own ai too... you know that thing you probaly do on your fingers or with an abacus)... next time you comment about crap you actually dont know about maybe out a "?" on the end of it... no harm in being wrong that way, but youre a bag of d***s mate. AT LEAST HAVE AN APP POSTED THAT YOU WROTE BEFORE BEING NEGATIVE TO SOMEONE WHO MADE SOMETHING COOL LOSER

youre ridiculous... you obviously don't know what you are talking about. why don't you at lease TRY to have some coth about you. Unless this is some attempt at irony, you need to at least TRY to know what you are talking about before you say someone is stealing others work... parrot. what else you hear in the news moron?


wow... hmm god thing you can order and it can ship to you?

no it doesnt.. keyboard too

just kidding you are

no he isn't

lol youre funny