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Maxime Martyr

A member registered Nov 03, 2015 · View creator page →

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That's the other way around actually since this game is inspired from the light novels and animes, "it's so cool that all the abilities and those things are all in this game!" 😉

But are you not bored watching the anime since it is a teasing and blue-balling anime excluding all adult content offered by this game along with all other custom content added by PastryIRL?

I remember that the anime frustrated me to no end when I first watched it because Kazuma specifically mocked other animes' protagonists stating "I am not like those pervert animes' protagonists surrounded by women and never ever daring to actually do anything with them" only to be EXACTLY THE SAME which frustrated me EVEN MORE than other teasing and blue-balling animes because this one was hypocritical enough to openly mock other animes only to be exactly the same and which is why I LOVE this game here who is not hypocritical and is true to Kazuma's promise and even more because this is an actual video-game which balances adventures and actual RPG's gameplay with actual characters development and relationships building instead of being merely a porn visual novel which exists only for meaninglessly fapping, which is why PastryIRL is one of my favorite creators and Adventurer Trainer is my favorite Ren'Py game so far! 😆

Wait, hold on, PastryIRL, why did you design Megumin to be Kazuma's favorite?!? 😫

You even offered us an opportunity to come clean with her with a choice to lie or to be honest with her about other girls only to lie to her anyway when you made Kazuma swear to her that his heart belongs to her and that he merely sleeps around only to satisfy his libido without actually loving any other of his girlfriends, which is a blatant lie since Kazuma doesn't actually sleep around carelessly since he actually builds relationships, what would be the point of "affection points" otherwise? 🤔

What is the point of building a harem only to play favorites and not treasure each girlfriend and what is the point of giving a choice to be honest or lie only to lie anyway?!? 😫

Because this is what you did, you gave us a choice to make Kazuma a selfish hypocrite or a trustworthy boyfriend and then you went against our will to be honest and trustworthy when you made us lie to Megumin's face to pretend we love only her and only care about others for their bodies and therefore cancelled the choice since you made us lie either way and endangered the harem's health since Megumin is now aware of the harem however she is convinced to be the only one true girlfriend that we actually care for and thinks of other girls as our "fucktoys", which is not only unhealthy but also untrue.

Therefore I genuinely need and humbly request you to change Megumin's scene to make the choice of making Kazuma come clean about the harem to ACTUALLY come clean about the harem and not lie to Megumin to make her believe she is the only one true girlfriend and other girls are only fucktoys because things like "My heart belongs to you." (as in "to no one else"), "You're prettier than the others." (Never compare!), "I love you with all of my heart." (then there is no more heart left for others), "You'll always be my number one." (No! NO! Never play favorites if you don't want your harem to break apart as equality is vital, friendly competition is healthy but no hierarchy!), "There is nobody in the whole world I'll like more than you." (OH PLEASE!) are bullshit I would say if I chose to lie and certainly not if I chose to be honest which I did therefore I did not expect and strongly disapprove to say such hypocritical things because this makes me feel as if my choice to be honest didn't matter since I lie either way and I humbly request you to keep such bullshit for hypocritical players only and to keep it away from honest players because otherwise there is no point in offering choices to shape Kuzuma's personality in the first place if you don't actually respect these choices, do you understand?

You even made Kazuma pretend that he needs to have sex everyday which he doesn't even have fortunately because then it would become a routine and lose all meaning, so far this game has been awesome because it has been well balanced between adventures and relationships building including sexual exploration while not being the only focus which is why such a statement as "I need to have sex everyday" actually worries me because if it was true then sex would be a grindy routine losing all meaning.

I rolled back before this hypocritical scene with Megumin and I am waiting for you to change it before I play it and continue my relationship with her in a healthier way, you actually already made Kazuma say some honest things such as "I promise you this, Megumin. I really do love you. You won't ever lose me." but instead of the other hypocritical bullshit to make Megumin believe she is the only one important girlfriend and the others are disposable, you could say more honest things such as "You are not my only love." as the honest option during the choice then "You don't need to worry because it's not because you are not my only love that it means I don't genuinely love you." then you continue with your original "I promise you this, Megumin. I love you. You won't ever lose me." then when she asks " she pretty?", you could answer "You all are pretty otherwise I wouldn't love you, silly." then when she asks, "Am I not enough for you?" you could answer "No, you are not. Because each of you is unique et irreplaceable, no one can replace you but you can't replace anyone either." then you continue with your original "And I'm not going to lie to you about it. Because I really do love you, Megumin." then you could complete this sentence with "And I care about your feelings, the last thing I want is to hurt you so I want to be worth your trust." then you could continue with your original "Hah... You had me worried for a second.", "Huh?", "I guess that's a normal guys thing, after all." then you could continue with "As long as you love me. I don't mind if you love others too. But you better not forget to save up some of that love for me too!" then you could continue straight with your original "Done.", "You didn't even think about it.", "Didn't need to. It's always been true and always will be.", "You swear?", "I swear." then you could conclude with playing on Megumin's playful competitive spirit such as "I only need to be the best girlfriend and make you forget all about other girls, which will be an easy challenge since I am the first among the Crimson Demons after all." then your original "Thank you for being open with me, Kazuma. I know I can trust you. And I love you." which would THEN be deserved since Kazuma would THEN be honest, truthful and trustworthy then you would conclude with your original explosion teasing and done, this scene would ACTUALLY be honest and respect the choice of honest players so what do you think? 🙂

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I am sooooo disappointed that Kazuma doesn't even consider his Drain Touch skill to interact safely with Lolisa since he can drain her lifeforce at the same time as she drains his, I purposefully learned Drain Touch from Wiz before inviting Lolisa to visit after Momo warned me about virgin succubi accidentally draining life from their lover in the heat of the moment because I expected Kazuma to be confident his Drain Touch skill will counter succubi's drain since he can now drain them at the same time as they drain him, especially after Wiz got carried away and almost drained him to death and he didn't mind and asked for more therefore his cowardice with Lolisa doesn't make sense after Wiz taught him Drain Touch and really disappoints me because I purposefully learned this skill BEFORE inviting Lolisa in order to counter her own drain and my clever strategy didn't pay off! 😫

Hey, PastryIRL, you obviously didn't consider how Drain Touch counters succubi's drain and therefore I humbly request you to take it into consideration to change Lolisa's scene and make Kazuma more confident and less distant with Lolisa if he already learned this skill before this scene, do you agree? 🙂

I rolled back before this scene with Lolisa and I am waiting for you to change it taking into consideration the effects of Drain Touch with succubi before I play this scene and continue my relationship with Lolisa without being a pathetic coward, especially since Kazuma ALREADY died countless times and can always be resurrected good as new which makes his cowardice even more insufferable!

Ain't that an unfortunate truth.

Oh, please, don't overestimate your entertaining value, you don't amuse me to the point of laughing "hysterically", merely an amused laugh, nothing excessive, but you certainly think the most of yourself if you systematically assume that you provoke excessive reactions... or you actually think so little of yourself that you pretend to think highly of yourself in the hope that people will believe it which in turn will convince you to believe it yourself, which is it? 😼

Did you actually expect me to take you seriously when you accuse me of "hate speech" even though you have been spitting your venom as much as you could and I have answered to you specifically to try to reason you? 😏

And if you use the impersonal pronoun "it" to refer to yourself then you are the one who dehumanize yourself since you don't even talk about yourself as a person but as a thing, it's like this new fancy "non-binary gender" that conformist people who pretend to be non-conformist while conforming to a group's lead instead of actually thinking by themselves claim for themselves to claim that they are different from normal boring people, that they are "original", while they basically claim that they are nor men nor women and therefore they are not even human beings, one more invention from the LGBT sect who claims to exist for sexual freedom while being determined to exclude straight people from their utopia and always inventing new ways of building a wall between straight people and other people to isolate their non-straight cattle ever more. 😏

Hahahahaha, you resorting to low insults demonstrates even more your desperation because you don't know how to actually answer which really amuses me when you call me "intellectual weakling" even though I have easily destroyed your cards-house of intellectual emptiness, projecting much? 😏

How about you take a new appointment with your therapist since that concerns you so much that you project your need on me?

I addressed zero of your points because you made zero point, all that you actually did was to cram as many uncommon words as you could to actually tell nothing as I stated. 😏

Ahahahah, I feel you because he has been trying to impress me with his empty ravings as well which he only managed to amuse me so far. 😏

As amusing as this jester is, I still prefer you because you sound a lot more sensible and reasonable. 😉

Ahahahahahah, the more you talk to me and the more I feel like you are actually a jester trying to amuse me. 😆

Sigh, I'm sure you think you are clever/smart/slick/whatever because you use, abuse and cram as many uncommon words as you can into your arguments which make you feel like an elite among common people however your overuse of uselessly complicated and off-topic words to actually tell empty tales do not impress me in the slightest just like empty boxes wrapped in overly complicated fashions do not impress me if they are empty, I don't even feel like answering to your empty words because all that you manage to actually do is to demonstrate that you are so empty that you rely on overuse of wrappings to pretend you are full and I am in disbelief that you actually expected me to take you seriously, you are even making me yawn, period.

What is? 😏

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Hey Perverteer, there is something which has been really bothering me ever since I started this visual novel of yours and I have been keeping it for myself for years while always feeling a need to tell you and always holding back but I can't take it anymore because it has REALLY been ruining the experience for me for way too long already and I really need you to do something about it.

This is about the musics. They are needed to set the mood and I understand that you attributed a specific music to each character and that the same music systematically plays every time we interact with their assorted character no matter the situation and THIS is what has been REALLY bothering me for too long not only because always hearing the same music with the same character no matter the context feels static and monotonous but also and especially because these musics are not suited to set an erotic mood as they are relaxing instead of being energizing and therefore they have been turning me off in EVERY sex scene for years and I actually have been continuing only for the story while the sexual content has been making me fall asleep instead of turning me on as it should because of these cursed relaxing musics that you designed to play with their assorted character without taking into consideration specific contexts and the moods they require to enjoy them, I tried to turn off music during sex scenes but then the sudden silence breaks my immersion.

I need you to understand that musics are needed to set moods and that therefore specific musics need to be assorted to specific moods instead of specific characters without taking into consideration contexts because so far you have been doing your best to create an enjoyable experience however you have been ruining it by misusing musics not suited to required moods because you have been using musics according to characters instead of contexts, this is the difference between a static soundtrack which plays monotonously without taking into consideration contexts and a dynamic soundtrack which switches from a track to another to adapt to each context, situation and event and to suit each assorted mood and unfortunately yours has been static so far. 😟

Therefore and after years of holding back my frustration because of it, I hereby humbly request you to improve your sound design and make it dynamic instead of static for the sake of setting the right mood for the right context, thank you for at least listening to my feedback and thank you more if you actually consider it to improve for both our sake.

Think about it, who is "The Virgin Queen" and how could you make her "no more a virgin"? 😉

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What if we just want a guide without having to interact with people in discussions? 😏

Also, there IS a PDF guide sooooo... 😏

You basically explained why he was wrong only to conclude that "this is a fiction so everything I just explained doesn't count anyway", clap clap clap, this is a spectacular way of cancelling your own points. 😏

While I agree with you about "females don't have a penis", I disagree with you about "switching genders doesn't count" and I dislike that you refer to sentient beings as "it" instead of "they" when their gender are undefined.

Ignoring a futanari is not the same as "turning off futanari content" since ignoring some content doesn't change it and only makes us miss out some content therefore your short answer is wrong as it should be "no" since there is no option to turn off futanari and have Ziv and Raene as only females.

Patreon is actually a publisher who pretends to not be a publisher because they fund creators with other people's money instead of their own but still impose their own will to creators nevertheless which make them the most hypocritical publisher ever and the creators who genuinely believe they are "independent" because "Patreon is not a publisher" and put up with Patreon's tyranny are the dumbest enslaved creators ever, at least creators who work for official publishers are aware that they are their slaves whereas Patreon's creators are blissfully ignorant of their slaves condition, I never respected Patreon nor any of their slaves creators dumb enough to work for them while believing they are "independent".

But I seriously doubt your claim that occidental companies are run by communists as they are actually capitalists and communism was invented specifically to fight against capitalism, you are therefore mixing up the actual enemy and its own enemy.

And Steam has already always been tyrannical with adult games, why do you think their forums are full of links for uncensoring patches to restore the original versions that Steam destroyed with censorship? As far as I know, even though GOG has taken way longer to finally welcome adult games into their store, they have been far more open-minded because I never heard of GOG censuring anything as opposite to Patreon and Steam who really want to hypocritically pretend to be "pure".

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Patreon is shitty and has been forever, it is about time that you open your eyes. 😉

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Wait, you delete the whole game only because you can't romance ONE of its many characters?!

I have been doing like the other person who answered to you, I rejected both Ziv and Raene because I can't stand futanari and I wish Perverteer had provided options to turn them only females such as the Rhenkoys being able to switch their gender on will and Raene's gender switching treatment to be complete instead of partial, I don't think turning all of the Rhenkoy specie all females with only a few futanari in the lot is a fair solution but granting them the ability to switch their gender on will instead feels fair to them however your suggestions were thoughtful. 😉

Since you are already getting paid monthly by Patreon and SubscribeStar, you don't actually need to sell your games once they are completed to secure an income and therefore you could release them for free including bonus unless you are greedy.

And what about Itch? 🤔

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For the stray dog? 🤣

Hey, since this visual novel here was inspired from the visual novel there, I am curious how you compare them? Did you already play Once In A Lifetime or not yet? Please write a comment on its page then come back here to compare them since this one here was inspired from that other there. 😉

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Honestly, I don't even need to answer to you because you obviously have been talking to yourself instead of talking to me, deluding yourself in thinking that you and me are the same and that all that you think of yourself applies as well to me and so you have been using me as a mirror to proceed to your own introspection and while this is a commendable enterprise to understand yourself, I am nothing like you and therefore your introspection doesn't apply to me which is why I am not suitable to be your mirror and I genuinely wonder if I should let you pursue your introspection through me to allow you to learn to understand yourself or if it is pointless because you are not actually aware that you have been talking to yourself all along.

In any case, I won't even bother to react to your insults anymore, from now onward I will react only to your constructive comments.

Communication doesn't rely exclusively on words but also on tone, facial expressions and gestures, which is why emojis were invented specifically to patch this lack of indicators in written communication and I have merely been making use of this patch to incomplete written communication, especially since I am so naturally sarcastic that people are never sure if I am serious or sarcastic if I do not make use of emojis to indicate my tone.

I was not even thinking about any Mad Max game, I was comparing Desert Stalker to the movies Mad Max and actually speaking of it made me want to watch the movies so I did and watching Mad Max: Fury Road really did remind me of Desert Stalker, especially the part when I drove Kyra to Adira, and there is even a scene when Furiosa drives in the desert through some red mist tempest in Mad Max: Fury Road, doesn't that remind you of anything? You idiot, this is a visual novel so of course crossing the desert is instantaneous since it switches from one scene to another while skipping the transit, you don't have to actually move to reach a location on the sandbox map, you click on it on the map and there you are instantly, are you genuinely that dumb that you don't even comprehend how a visual novel works? There is not even any combat system at all in Desert Stalker since this is a visual novel without any gameplay, it is merely a story which requires us to make our own choices to direct it and this is our only involvement into it, we don't actually move our character ourselves and we don't actually fight ourselves, we merely watch him do it, you idiot.

Oh yeah? There is an imperial roman legion in Desert Stalker? Then I missed it, my bad, I noticed only a pharaonic egyptian city who has nothing to do with the nomadic barbarian roman legion from Fallout 3: New Vegas. What does the overpass settlement in Desert Stalker have to do with Fallout? There is no "central government" in Fallout since Fallout is specifically a war of factions with no faction controlling everything, only trying and conflicting with rival factions such as the New California Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave, New Vegas, Caesar's Legion, and many other factions and none of them rules everything because many factions conflict therefore there has never been any "central government" in any Fallout game because no faction has ever dominated all other factions. To finish, you REALLY have to be obsessed by Fallout to the point of seeing it everywhere if you genuinely see Fallout in Desert Stalker as their visual styles look nothing alike.

I don't give a shit to any Mad Max game as I wasn't even aware it existed before you talked about it but you got a point exactly, people travel the desert with cars in Desert Stalker, just like in Mad Max movies, whereas people travel on foot and there is no car in any Fallout game. Not only that, what comes to your mind when you think about Fallout? Vault-Tech Corporation, vaults, vaults dwellers, pip-boy, G.E.C.K., karma, quests, companions, rival factions, power-armors, firearms, energy weapons, raiders, ghouls, super mutants, robots, Brotherhood of Steel, Enclave, radioactivity, american way of life, devastating war between the USA and China, California's wasteland, free exploration and fighting, did I forget anything? Desert Stalker takes place in Egypt after a civilization destroying event which was not an atomic bombing which turned the land radioactive but a chemical bombing which created the mysterious red mist which turned Cairo's inhabitants into ghouls, there is no radioactivity in Desert Stalker, only chemical hazard, which already fundamentally diverges from Fallout and there are also no vaults, no vaults dwellers, no advanced technology such as computers, robots, power-armors, not even ranged weapons, everyone fights with melee weapons only, which is also a significant divergent point from Fallout, no free exploration and fighting either since Desert Stalker is a visual novel without any gameplay, we can only travel to already known locations, we can't explore to discover new places, and the fighting takes place in cutscenes, there is not even much fighting in Desert Stalker since it focuses more on staying mainly in Zeta and sometimes in a few other locations to develop relationships than actually be a desert stalker and explore the wasteland, this is more of a dating sim than an adventures game. The only common points between Fallout and Desert Stalker is moral choices even though they only serve to shape relationships in Desert Stalker and don't have any significant effect on the story as in Fallout, quests, raiders but nothing alike since they are pedestrian raiders in Fallout whereas they are motored raiders in Desert Stalker which feel a lot more like Mad Max's raiders, ghouls, mutants but nothing alike since mutants are ugly in Fallout while they are sexy in Desert Stalker and that's it, they have nothing else in common and even their few common points are only loosely common and nothing alike. Whereas Desert Stalker's very first scene in the desert and every scene involving raiders could be straight from a Mad Max movie, specifically the scene when I drove Kyra through the desert into Adira to take back control of her raiders faction then the scene when Kyra's raiders took over the overpass settlement with their cars, watching Mad Max movies yesterday and today, specifically Mad Max: Fury Road then Furiosa: A Mad Max Story which are all about cars fighting in the desert, really reminded me of these specific raiders scenes in Desert Stalker, and while I acknowledge that Mad Max and Desert Stalker have only their motored raiders in common and nothing else, this is already more in common than with Fallout which is nothing alike at all. You idiot, there has been Mad Max movies even before the first Fallout game and its inspirator game Wasteland so how would Warners Bros want to imitate a game which didn't even exist yet when the first movies were released? And you claim that "you don't need to learn history because you lived history"? Well, actually you do prove that you know only what you personally experienced from history and nothing else. Such an ignorant claim is to be expected from a fanatic who genuinely believes that what he unconditionally worships is the center of everything and that everything even loosely similar which exists can only "imitate" it even if they actually existed before because a fanatic rejects actual history and cares only about history after the creation of what he worships that he considers as the "beginning of history", just like christians believe that history started with the birth of Jesus Christ which they call "year zero" while everything which happened before Jesus was born is merely dismissed as "Before Christ" as in to say that's irrelevant because it happened before the start of history, you behave just the same, as every fanatic does no matter what they blindly worship.

Another one of your delusions is that you believe that you are superior to the "tree hugging pussies of the 21st century" as in ecology is for the weak and the mighty shits on nature, you even attribute weakness to the female gender, which only demonstrates that your way of thinking is obsolete and unevolved, you are basically a primitive barbarian macho closer to an animal than to a civilized and evolved sentient being and so your delusions of animal superiority on civilized beings inspire only pity on you like an unintelligent animal inspires pity from sentient beings.

You know the name "Scorched Earth Project" from Desert Stalker which proves that you already explored the abandoned factory in the Zone with Shani and yet you want Desert Stalker to be Fallout so badly that you actually ignored what Scorched Earth Project actually was to make it fit into your mind with Fallout's post-nuclear lore however the Scorched Earth Project was a chemical warfare which has nothing to do with atomic bombing, Cairo's trains station's Project Horus was even designed to purge the red mist's "chemical fallout" (and not radioactive fallout) caused by the Scorched Earth Project's chemical bombing however they died before they could activate it and purge the red mist which turned people into ghouls, which I guess will be one of our goals in Desert Stalker, I mean to activate Project Horus to purge the red mist which turns people into ghouls, maybe even revert the red mist's effects and restore the ghouls back to humans, I mean if Project Horus can purge the red mist from the air, it might as well be able to purge it from bodies which might then be able to repair themselves once the chemical pathogen has been purged from them, or maybe its effects are irreversible, who knows?

Wait, are you actually imagining this discussion as a rap battle? I guess that fits your uncivilized personality that you have been exhibiting so far so this is not that much surprising but now I am picturing you as a gangsta, which actually explains so much about your uncivilized attitude once more, I guess you feel a kinship bonding with the raiders in Fallout, don't you?

The only difference that you have been demonstrating so far is between believing your own subjective version of history and actually knowing objective history.

I'm tired of your vain insults whose only effect is to show off how much of a pathetic uncivilized animal you are and I already informed you at the start of this answer that I will simply ignore your insults from now onward which is why I skip this useless and boring part of your monologue.

Eh, you actually know vocabulary, too bad you don't use it intelligently and only show it off at any useless opportunity.

Yeah, a retard gangsta is specifically how I came to picture you now, which actually makes me wonder if there is any point to bother communicating with you since I have no hope of civilizing a gangsta, let alone a retard one, I already met a few gangstas who were actually smart and could communicate in a civilized way, too bad you are not one of them as you can only communicate through insults which are more destined to yourself than to the other person you talk to, which makes attempting to communicate with you really boring and I have been REALLY patient to keep trying to communicate with you so far and I'm wondering more and more why I even bother.

Being arrogant is claiming things that you can't even back up. Now while I did express some opinions, was there any of my claims that I was not able to explain and justify? Thinking about it, isn't there someone here who has been making claims without actually being able to back them up and therefore can be qualified as arrogant?

Being a douchebag is being disrespectful. Now while I did express some disagreements, was I ever disrespectful to anyone who didn't warrant it? Thinking about it, isn't there someone here who has been speaking only to insult which is disrespectful and therefore can be qualified as a douchebag?

Intelligence insults again, this is growing so repetitive and boring, please talk to a therapist about your intelligence's inferiority complex and seek actual solutions to fix it instead of uselessly boring me.

You are NOT the center of the universe. What you WANT to see is irrelevant to EVERYBODY ON THIS PLANET, except for you.

Are you actually talking to me or to yourself? This is what you claimed and yet not only did you request Zetan for "some girls that you could abuse like Twitch THOT" but you also chimed into a discussion between Zetan and me which didn't concern you in any way and you call me out for being egocentric, are you trying to demonstrate the definition of "hypocrite"? 😏

I did not even suggest anything to Zetan about his game's description beside using Itch's dedicated place for it and only because other people have been commenting about the lack of description and because Zetan himself expressed his uncertainty about how to use Itch's features so I answered to explain them to him, nothing less, nothing more than that. 😉

But that is not your actual issue, is it? You don't actually give a shit to anything I said, you have been replying only because you want some attention, haven't you? You keep comparing yourself to me, calling me out for what you do yourself, claiming that In gave you the rights to do it because I did it first, however you have done nothing like me since I talk only when I actually have something to say and I always explain and justify everything I say, which is why you call my long explanations "lectures" and I don't deny it, whereas you have been speaking while you had actually nothing to say, you have merely been insulting me because I make you feel insecure about your intelligence's inferiority complex, which is why you have been desperately trying in vain to challenge my intelligence while not ever actually backing up anything you claimed, I'm not sure if this is out of masochism because you enjoy being put into your place or if this is out of desperate attempts to win an unwinnable battle which makes me think more and more that you are from the USA as you have been displaying the same foolish arrogance and delusions of superiority which make them start wars that they always lose because of their actual weakness until they always beg for France to come to their rescue into their battlefields just like they did when they first rejected their motherland and had their asses beat by the BUK who was eventually defeated not by themselves but by France, and so it has gone for every war they started since, always starting wars, losing them, then calling France to the rescue who wins them because France is a far older and wiser civilization who has already experienced and overcome many more wars during its thousands of years of existence than the bratty USA ever did during their less than three centuries of existence and therefore french military is far more competent are reputed in the world than the incompetent and laughing-stock USA military who always lose against everyone but you are actually even less intelligent and more arrogant than the USA because you challenge France who is the one who wins all of your wars that you lose so then who are you going to call to your rescue this time? 😼

I don't expect anything from people, I merely share what I have to say then people use my contributions however they want, that's up to them in the end, not to me. 😏

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Really? This is not a secret that Europe still has a colonial mentality? Well then, tell me which countries did Europe invade lately beside those that were first invaded by the USA under bullshit justifications until they had their ass beat as in every war they started until they begged for Europe to assist them into THEIR wars which Europe always won but never started any of them, hmm? Europe won wars started and lost by the USA and Europe is bored of wiping incompetent USA's ass who is a petulant brat who attacks everyone then has their ass beat every time until they beg for Europe to intervene to wipe their ass.

You better not be from the USA because if you are then you basically offered me your cheek to slap it hard and call you hypocrite for calling Europe's "colonial indoctrination" when everyone knows that there is not a more imperialistic indoctrinated nation in the world than the USA that everyone wants to get rid of because they want to claim the world for themselves and there is no way that the world will take shit from such a petulant brat, you are not from the USA, are you? 😼

This PLANET hasn't faced a single man made crisis that was NOT the direct responsibility of European meddling in global affairs for the past 1500 years.

Oh you REALLY better NOT be from the USA if you call out ANY other nation for "being responsible of every crisis by meddling in global affairs" when this is specifically what the USA have been doing since their very birth, meddling into other countries' business and causing every crisis that the world has known for the last 250 years because the USA are not even one thousand years old and yet they are arrogant enough to believe themselves wiser than civilizations who have experienced thousands of years of history and evolution, the USA are born from greed and violence since they are born from the genocide of the continent's native inhabitants just to steal their lands and resources like mere thugs and while there is no denying that these genocidist thugs were mostly from european origin, specifically english, they rejected their motherland because they claimed themselves superior but only after France helped them win their independence war against the British United Kingdom who was wiping them out until the losing colonists begged France for help and France intervened and defeated the BUK to allow the birth of the USA, France even made and offered the Statue of Liberty to celebrate the birth of the USA, if only France knew that the USA would be such ungrateful arrogant brats... this was a mistake to allow the birth of this nation born from greed and violence. The USA never ever even expressed any remorse for the genocide of the continent' original inhabitants, on the contrary, they still glorify this genocide with stories of heroic cow-boys who fought the evil indians even though the "heroic" cow-boys actually invaded the american native territories. Not only did the USA never ever expressed any remorse for their birth from genocide, they still keep doing it, invading any country they can to wipe their inhabitants and steal their lands and resources, the USA have always been and still are greedy thugs that the whole world hates, so you REALLY better NOT be from the USA when you call out ANY other nation of being indoctrinated by imperialism mentality if you don't want to be called an hypocrite. What do you call a nation who keeps speaking of peace while starting every war which happen in the world, hmm? 😏

If you clowns ever lost the sense of denial and delusions of grandeur, the entire continent would look like Jonestown within a week.

This is exactly what you should be telling the USA, even if I don't know what "looking like Jonestown" means.

If I had such a low intelligence as you claim, then how could I even lecture anyone about anything at all, hmm? I would say that the fact that you can't lecture anyone about anything nor even counter any of my lectures actually speaks more of your lack of intelligence than mine and you either are aware of it and keep challenging me out of masochism because you enjoy being put into your place or lack so much intelligence that you are not even smart enough to be aware of your lack of intelligence so which is it? 😼

Fair enough, there is no point pretending that I did not read other discussions and chimed in when I felt like it however the difference between us that you fail to understand is that I actually CAN back up my arrogance whereas you CANNOT, I speak to bring something to the table whereas you speak only to humiliate yourself so we are nothing alike.

Moreover, I didn't reply to that many discussions, only the few that I actually had something to say that was not already said.

Sigh, you are not a challenging opponent at all, you are merely a boring nuisance, like a flying bug buzzing near the ear, annoying but inoffensive, you are not even aware that using my own words against me has no chance to exceed me since they came from me to begin with and that only shows that you are not even capable of coming up with your own beside useless insults, you even reused my word "tantrum" twice into the same reply, are you that excited to have learned a new word that you keep reusing it into every sentence?

You know, I noticed that you keep using the word "retard", why does this specific word is so present in your mind? Is it what you think of yourself? Did you get diagnosed as intellectually disabled that you obsess so much about this concept? 🤔

(1 edit)

This is growing repetitive and boring, all that you have been doing is to insult my intelligence while demonstrating you suffer from an inferiority complex about your lack of intelligence and only one message was enough to demonstrate this obvious fact therefore more than one message from you is actually redundant and useless.

Your definitions would be correct if you didn't omit the most important point about visual novels which is choices which is why another term was invented to call visual novels without choice in order to not mix them up, which you have been doing so far.

Now a serious question to actually help you because it is obvious that you only keep challenging me for me to keep putting you in your place out of masochism because you suffer from an inferiority complex but begging to be slapped will not help you overcome your complex so here is my actually helpful question to you: did you ever talk to a therapist about your inferiority complex and asked actual solutions to fix it?

Ah, you use my own words to counter-strike me because you don't have any of your own beside insults and you actually believe that you stand a chance to exceed me with words which are not even yours?

And still, you keep specifically insulting my intelligence and demonstrating that you are really self-conscious about your lack of intelligence, your tantrums against me feel more and more as if you were actually insulting yourself and merely using me as a mirror to tell me what you think of yourself.

Did I actually give you any impression that your laughable attempts have any effect at all on me?

Alright, where are you from that you learned to hate Europe that much?

Hey Uncle, still you keep insulting me because still you cannot actually prove any of my points wrong and still you keep specifically insulting my intelligence because yours or lack of it makes you self-conscious. 😏

I wouldn't need to teach you history if you already knew it and then I wouldn't even need to talk about it and yet I do so what's the logical conclusion? 😏

Be honest with yourself, you compare Desert Stalker to Fallout only because Desert Stalker is a post-apocalyptic fiction and Fallout is your main post-apocalyptic reference therefore you compare every post-apocalyptic fiction to Fallout even if they have nothing in common, which is the case with Desert Stalker which reminds more of Mad Max than Fallout as Fallout is all about vaults and there is none in Desert Stalker however there are desert raiders just like in Mad Max but with a pharaonic egyptian flavor which is unique to Desert Stalker as there is no other post-apocalyptic pharaonic egyptian fiction to my knowledge. 😉

If you actually see an artistic influence from Fallout into another game which doesn't look nor feel anything like Fallout then you are merely a fanatic who obsesses over Fallout and wants to see it into every post-apocalyptic fiction no matter if they are unrelated in any way to Fallout. 😉

The more you call me stupid while never actually being able to prove me wrong, the more you demonstrate that you are yourself what you call me out to be, you really have to be very self-conscious about your lack of intelligence to obsess that much over it but challenging someone smarter than you will not help you feel better about it since you only make a fool of yourself.

At this point I'm wondering how your brain has sufficient capacity to continue breathing

Interesting that you are so specific about your intelligence's insults, is this the question that you keep asking yourself that you feel such a need to ask it to other people as well?

Do you call every post-apocalyptic fiction "Fallout"? Because Desert Stalker might be a post-apocalyptic fiction, it has nothing in common with Fallout. 😏

I agree with you for once about your claim that Bethesda never had any clue how to make an actual Fallout game because all that they did was to make up their The Elder Scrolls to make them look like Fallout but not feel like any actual Fallout game.

If you are that much into Fallout, then you should know the series' development history such as the series' original creators were Black Isle Studios who made Fallout 1 and 2 then they became Obsidian Entertainment and made Fallout: New Vegas which is the actual Fallout 3 and yet you mentioned only Bethesda and didn't even mention Obsidian who are the series' original creators and made their own Fallout 3 so what's the point of obsessing over Fallout if you forgot the Fallout 3 made by the series' originals creators, hmm? 😏

his game needs a few girls with the attitude of an average Twitch THOT, then abusing them would be a fan-fucking-tastic time.

Is that why you actually play porn games? To play out your fantasies of abusing "Twitch THOT"? 😏

I've seen a lot of games disintegrate during development.

As did I, true, so very sadly true...

First, why do you feel so concerned about anything I said to anyone but you? 😼

Second, why do you YELL AT ME FOR NO REASON LIKE A PETULANT BRAT WHO KICKS A TANTRUM to make my own game when I talked to a game's creator and not even about his game but about his game's page? 😏

Third, why do you even answer to questions addressed to anyone but you? You have to be really egocentric to believe that every question are addressed to you specifically. 😏

Fourth, nor the reviews nor the comments' purpose is to describe anything, only to express personal opinions.

Fifth, you claim that my comments are nonsense and yet you understood everything I said but you just can't counter-argument any of them so you do what you always do when you are unable to actually counter, you insult. 😏

Actually no, no one ever beat me up because I always defeated all of my enemies before they could even attack, this is what intelligence is. 😉

You attribute my personality to my nationality because you actually know nothing about me and you can't find any actual counter-point to any of my point so you resort to merely insulting me because that's all you actually can do and you call me pathetic?

You claim that I am not very intelligent and yet you still didn't succeed at proving any of my points wrong, do you always speak only to ridicule yourself or did you feel especially in a masochist mood after having read my comments that you keep begging me to metaphorically slap you every time you speak? 😏

If they are kinetic novels then they are not visual novels, why do you think there are two distinctive terms to call them?

If you speak only to express your personal opinions without actually justifying them then you talk only about your personal tastes and they are useless to other people.

I selected my recommendations specifically because their choices do have impact on the story and you would know it if you actually knew what you talk about.

Games which feature beautiful women, a compelling story and choices with an impact are not that rare actually, I already experienced more than I can count.

The choices in Mass Effect that you use as examples of choices without an actual impact on the story are actually choices to shape your character and not the story and they are a little more complex than the way to ask for the mustard, why do you not mention the many choices which have lasting impacts from one game to the others such as sparing or killing the arachnid queen, rescuing or sacrificing the Council, choosing who to support as the human councilman, destroying or giving to Cerberus the Collector base and so many other actually relevant choices during the whole trilogy that you have to dishonest to voluntarily not mention any of them?


If it didn't upset the person who I was talking to, why the fuck do YOU get so worked up about it?

"Shut the fuck up!" is what you should do yourself, especially since you are a hypocrite.

Wait, you actually think I got offended? How did you reach that wrong conclusion? 😏

I always explain my reasonings otherwise I could claim anything without any justification which would be useless and I don't do useless, simple as that.

He does not merely "seem to want macho looking MCs" and these are not "my words" when he stated that he had a "stupid gripe" with Zaton's appearance because "he doesn't look too much like a Man's man", these are his words that I merely developed further, simple as that.

What's your point about it being a fictional game? How does this statement solve anything at all?

Now the most interesting question is: Why do you feel so concerned about this discussion to the point that you needed to involve yourself into it, hmm? 😏

This picture doesn't even remotely resemble Luna.

Luna has blond hair and brown eyes, this "redhead" has red hair and grey eyes.

How can you see Luna here?

This game really inspires me mixed feelings between love and hate because I love some things while I hate some other things in it.

I want to continue it for its intrigue even though, as so many other intrigues, this one requires its characters to be idiots who never connect the dots and don’t solve mysteries too fast, why can no creator actually think of a mystery which is not too obvious to solve instead of creating predictable intrigues which rely only on their characters’ utter stupidity to keep the “suspense” going on, I AM SO FED UP OF THIS!
I mean this is SO OBVIOUS that the protagonist’s father is Cordia’s ex-fiance and that both him and Rina DeLuca were exiled from the DeLuca Family because he cheated on Cordia with her best friend, just like it is SO DAMN OBVIOUS that Serpent is actually Dante, but the most infuriating because most obvious point is that the protagonist still believes that his mother actually wanted to kill him when he was a child even though after he survived his poisoning at his first DeLuca Family dinner, Gracie blatantly shoved into his face that he survived because his body was trained to resist poison and then he still didn't connect the dots that his mother lightly poisoned him during his childhood in order to train his resistance to poison because she actually wanted to protect him and he is supposed to be “incredibly cunning”, ah, what a bad joke!

Indeed, this game tries too hard to present its protagonist as a god among mortals who only pretends to be weak in order to purposefully be underestimated by everyone and conceal his actual abilities and only the few smartest people figured this out and claim that he is “incredibly cunning” so every time he does not connect obvious dots, this “incredibly cunning” character infuriates me to no end, I genuinely hate him because the whole game was obviously designed to emphasize his superiority, especially his incredible intelligence, however its creator is actually not smart enough to impress me with any superior intelligence and therefore all that he actually does is to annoy me with his lame delusions of superiority while his plots are so predictable that I figure them out too fast then I have to wait for the so-called genius protagonist to FINALLY figure them out as well an eternity after me.

Actually, HopesGaming suffers from such an inferiority complex that he can’t even take any criticism to the point that he literally inserted an incredibly pathetic and useless 4th wall breaking scene into his very game for the sole purpose of degrading someone who criticized him and he made it in such a pathetic way that he actually degraded himself and I have been tempted to answer to his challenge to criticize him and to leave him such a merciless, devastating and apocalyptic review of everything lame in his game, and there are A LOT, so to completely annihilate his unwarranted pride in a way that he couldn’t possibly strike back, I would thoroughly demonstrate that he is actually insecure and suffers from an inferiority complex which makes him unable to cope with criticism and react with great hostility, I would be merciless because he basically declared war to criticism implying that he basically forbid people to express any negative opinion of his game, which I take as a challenge to dare to criticize him and I love challenges, moreover he has been annoying me with his delusions of superior intelligence trying too hard to amaze me with an “incredibly cunning” protagonist which I find pathetically dumb so I want to release all of the frustration that he caused me by demonstrating how I figured out his “mysteries” that even his “incredibly cunning” protagonist still has not connected the dots, I want to show him how his plots are predictable and that he cannot impress me because he is not smart enough to surprise me, I see all his ploys coming from the other end of the galaxy, I want to teach him a well-deserved lesson of humility, I want to utterly destroy his foolish pride, and I will enjoy it, as I always do every time I break someone who believes themselves superior.  😼

Alas, I can’t show him the errors of his ways because he is out of reach, which is to be expected from someone who can’t take any criticism, he interacts only with his patrons and as much as I want to patronize him, I don’t want to waste any money to become one of his patrons. 😏

Even though I hate him and his game so much, I still am eagerly waiting for it to be continued because as much as this game is full of infuriating shit, the first season concluded on a cliffhanger battle and I want to discover how it continues from there...

Who attacked the DeLuca Family and why? I don’t think it is the Shadow Coalition because they are still in the recruiting phase so they are far from ready to strike yet then who attacked the DeLuca Family and sniped Gracie? The most probable culprits are the Bonanzo or/and the Terranova Families for punishing her to have attacked the Bonanzo while impersonating the Terranovas but this is only a probability until proven. Who is part of the Shadow Coalition against the current mafia system beside the Silverino Family? Who are the Mysterious Six? My theory is that the woman who forced Luna to kill Lucan was Lumina Profaci and therefore that the Profaci Family is part of the Mysterious Six. How longer will it take to Gracie to discover that she is actually Lumina and Erardo Profaci’s daughter and that she is therefore Cordia's niece and Luna's cousin? How will my dumb-ass protagonist and Luna interact with Gaia, Viola and Laura? This is something that I really look forward to discover Luna’s “big sisters” years after the “Big Cage” now that they are active adults. How longer will it take to my "so smart" character to FINALLY connect the dots and figure out that Antonio was behind his assassination attempts? Will I actually architect an alliance between the DeLuca and the Bernero Families? Will I know why I am being kept by the DeLuca eventually? I assume it is because I am the son of 2 of the 4 original Serpents but why make it such a mystery that even the Pacificatori hided my existence? Is it because the DeLuca Family wants to keep Cordia's fiancé cheating on her with her best friend a secret? How am I connected to Dante? Why do I remember his voice from my childhood memory and why does he care so much about me? Is it because after my parents betrayed both of their fiancees and got exiled from the DeLuca Family because of that, they separated and my mother reunited with her ex-fiancé Dante? Did he raise me with her? Is he like an adoptive father to me? Actually, WHY did my parents separate even after they unite against the other Serpents and got exiled from the DeLuca Family? What was the point of sacrificing their Family if they didn't even stay together? You understand now? Even though this game is full of infuriating shit, it still contains many gripping points which is why it inspires me mixed feelings between love and hate and I can’t wait for it to continue while hoping it will get better and annoys me less. Because Season 1 was honestly not that great so I really hope it will get only better from now onward...

That depends on HopesGaming and his willingness to improve or not.

Do you seriously ask if Gracie's role in the story is over?

Do you actually think before asking questions?

What would be the point of developing a relationship with her and make her die before this relationship even reached its apogee?

Why do you think you had to choose if you wanted to have threesomes with Isabel and Gracie in the future if she was to die before that even happens?

And this is specifically why you think Zaton's face looks off, because you picture Kratos in your head and you don't see Kratos on your screen so obviously there is an inconsistency between your mental picture and your screen picture which feels "off". 😏

How about you don't expect Zaton to look like Kratos and you accept Zaton as Zaton instead of expecting him to look like Kratos, yeah? Think you can do that? 😉

Or are you so hard into Kratos that you can't help wanting to see his handsome face everywhere? 😼