yea i wanted to play this game for a vid but was legit walking for 20 minutes and the radio was playing but nothing else was happening.
Recent community posts
This game is extremely funny with its humour, the concept is hilarous, and the characters are super unique. However the gameplay is sort of lacking, I wish that there was more game time as the game is extremely short which is sad. I wish tehre was more moves other than punch/kick like a super move or 2 more buttons for other moves so you can combo rather than mashing one button.
During the Boss fight whenever it did an attack with blood the game would freeze for .5 seconds because my guess is that it is trying to render many small particles at once. The final flying cutscene is nearly unplayable due the same problem, however its even more profound due to just how many particles are on the screen, it affects the music as well which makes it into a garbled mess.
The game is insanely fun however and humerous and I can tell a ton of time was put into it however it is far from perfect, I am hoping this game can be expanded upon because it is an insanely good concept paired with great humour and gameplay.