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Max Petrillo

A member registered Dec 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Excellent work! The atmosphere is fantastic & the setting really feels cold and unforgiving. As a big fan of early Diablo (I & II in particular), you guys really landed on something special here. Just wishlisted it on Steam!

P.S. - If you are in need of custom music, feel free to contact me via itch or my website. Would be happy to work with you if so :).

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Experienced composer here, currently looking for a team to join!

Specializing in fantasy orchestral (think Elder Scrolls), but also experienced in styles ranging from classic rock to electronic dance music. I've also studied synthesis, sound design, and some Wwise, so I could tackle various aspects of audio if needed!

Check out some samples of my work here:

Looking forward to jamming :),

- Max (discord: mpet or MP#0993)

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Experienced composer here, currently looking for a team to join!

Specializing in fantasy orchestral (think Elder Scrolls), but also experienced in styles ranging from classic rock to electronic dance music. I've also studied synthesis, sound design, and some Wwise, so I could tackle various aspects of audio if needed!

Check out some samples of my work here:

Looking forward to jamming :),

- Max (discord: mpet or MP#0993)

Great work! Very unique visuals and atmosphere; reminds me a little bit of Disco Elysium, but with a more dreamlike twist.

If you're ever in need of a composer, drop me a line! Would love to collaborate :). - Max

Hey all,

I'm a composer looking for a team!

This is my first ever game jam, but I've been composing for 2-3 years and have experience working under deadlines. My usual style ranges from thematic/orchestral (think Elder Scrolls/Lord of the Rings) to electronic/textural/experimental (more along the lines of Disco Elysium/Nils Frahm/Radiohead), but I'd be excited to work on virtually anything :^).

If interested, feel free to contact me on here or Discord (MP#0993).

- Max


Fellow composer here. Just wanted to let you know I listened to some of the music on your website and really enjoyed it. You have a great sound!

- max