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A member registered Apr 09, 2015 · View creator page →

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It worked! I am very excited. Thank you for responding, I am having a blast replaying these games again.

I'd love to purchase this! But I think there is something wrong with the permissions or the listing or something, because every time I and my friends try to purchase this we get that 'there was an issue processing your payment.' We're not finding other games with this problem. 

I like the look of this a lot! It makes me wish it came with rules of some sort, I want to fiddle about a tiny course like this.

This sounds intriguing! I do not see a download button, though--am I missing something?

Was this game included in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality? I bought that bundle but I can't find this game in my collection to download it. Hope all is well!

Perfect, thank you so much! This is exciting!

I did some googling, but I'm afraid I'm not quite sure how to play this software. Is there a particular program I should be using?

Are you just stuck in the boss' room forever once you enter into it and the boss just starts killing you immediately?