Interesting, thanks! Lots to learn about the engine - I wonder if there's something in the way I coded the movement where the zoom is impacting the speed too much.
A member registered Jul 29, 2024 · View creator page →
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Thanks for the feedback!
The idea is that you hop sectors until you find one with a few supergiant stars, and use those to get to 500,000 - but this is definitely a prototype, and (for example) gaining acceleration as an optional use of energy was one of the features I didn't have time to implement.
Mainly I'm happy that the initial atmosphere worked! It's a good platform to build off.
The first level where you can select twice (with the two purples to the side), and you can scale the block you're standing on down to become a floor and the purple one to no longer block you.. I was sold then! Have since played many more minutes.
Really hope this one gets featured, great stuff.