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A member registered Sep 30, 2020

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I'm so excited to come home after a 12hr work day to this update! Thank you all for all the hard work done! 

no one told me there is a sexy obstagoon in this! wtf 


Hope you feel better! 

This is understandable. A lot of other VNs also do like 4 routes then do the OTHER routes when they have the time and money (usually after the first 4 are done). Doing seven routes at the start was insane! It was a great idea but that is SO much work/money to do. Thank you for your efforts for this VN, I really enjoy reading it.

crying already and I haven't even downloaded it yet

My otter husbando is back finally! Oscar > everyone else 

It was SO gooooood! I need more tho! MORE! please, I need my space doggos

The boys are SO cute in this pic

I'm sad to see the delay as I've been loving these otters! But fully understand taking a break. Do whatever you need to and we'll all happily wait for more. 

Wonderfully done. Though I am hating anything that distracts from Aldric I can't lie x3

I met my man in a similar fashion so I'm looking forward to this. I greatly appreciate the age not being super young either. 

Love this VN and otters so much! its a win win! 

Yeah, FBtW did here and there for sure. It just REALLY bothers me when anyone ends up in any kind of situation and instantly forgets where they come from to the point I stop reading half the time if they don't even use their previous knowledge making the point of them transferring over basically pointless lol x3 

I also was just super hyped for this update in general 

I will say without spoilers that despite what others may say, this is the only VN or isekai or "book" that really addresses the loss of family and I actually really appreciate that. The absence from my own would be devastating beyond words to suddenly disappear like that 

The art somehow got cuter

Christmas came early thanks to this update! 

Super excited! I check Itchio at least one a day for your updates <3

Ahhh I love how choices matter in this and I love that! I know it's hard to do but it's SO satisfying to know that you, the player, have some impact on story! ty

Gladly wait for however long it takes, supporting you happily. Do whatever is best for you and the good boys

I log onto itchio once a day to see if this VN has updated! Super hyped and excited for the next update, thanks so much for all your hard work for these good boys! One of few VN where I love all the characters

Corey the Corgi is my new fav supporting character

Replayed his route just for this update! I love our angry boy so much! <3 

Super excited! Been loving the newer more recent chapters A LOT. Take your time. It's worth the wait! Ty 

New characters or...? Super excited! And glad to support you guys more as well

Take your time. It's a fun thing for us but a major project to do any kind of VN. Got to have fun doing it or it'll end up being a chore. No rush! We look forward to it's return 

Bjorn!!! and rune. 

Great update, I need MORE! xD

How's is it possible this is even cuter than before? 

Finally got around to reading and catching up on this and loved it. The three dogs are amazing and varied enough to be unique and their own character. I can't stand the MC but the side good boys make up for it and can't wait for more! 

Sure, he's hot but did everyone forget what Cooper has done....? Like, really? There is no redemption for his actions. No matter how hot and smelly he is! lol

Whatever works and easiest for you I'd say! 

The characters and their set up are already there, so even if you pull back on some "fluff" we, the reader, already know them extremely well by this point. Whatever is easiest for you, I would say. 

The worse case scenario is you burning out! I think everyone rather have a completed story than you ending up hurting yourself to do the max amount. ^^ 

Oh no, he's hot!

10/10 would go for the Becky route (when available?!?!)

I'm glad to see an end to this, uh, that might sound bad, but I mean that in the best way possible! I was so invested in all of this that I wanted to finish it!