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A member registered Feb 01, 2018

Recent community posts

He has his head in the clouds. And what is more comfy than that?

Linux Version:

There is a visual bug, that doesn't show the black vertical line on the solar panels.

Instead of 23:50 -> 0:00 the clock goes 23:50 -> 24:00. I think this also messes with the current energy use updating. I'm not sure if they update every full hour, but it seems around midnight, that there is an unusually large gap in between updates.

Feature Request:

It would be cool to have a hotkey for the fast forward button. I usually keep the coal powerplant warm by de-/activating it a lot, but that means I can't fast forward in that time, which is a bit of a hassle.

Maybe a slow-motion option would also be nice.

And, if that doesn't make the game too easy, some more information on the different powerplants. For example, how long a coal needs to warm up. This would make it easier to plan the heating process, rather than guessing.

Wow. I found it really difficult to win the game with the forecasts already in place. I can't imagine anyone winning through anything but luck otherwise.
Interesting to see where this game is going.