Amazing, thank you! I'll do some more investigation at a point when I'm not trying to run a larp…
Recent community posts
Currently all the cards have a black border at the edge, and that's the sort of thing that I think can go wrong with a professional printer, because the edges only have to be very slightly out to have the border cut off on one side and looking very strange on another.
Also, if I'm doing a print run for myself, I might ask around to see if anyone else I know would want to buy in on a group order. If I manage to make that happen and other folk are interested, by default I'll buy a copy here for every one that gets printed, but let me know if you'd rather I do that some other way, or indeed if you'd rather I not do that at all. (Of course this might just be a pipe dream that never comes to anything, but I definitely have at least some friends who I'd be surprised if they didn't want in on a group order…)