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A member registered Feb 13, 2024

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Is there uh, 'cum inflation'? I mean, I would expect it seeing how big some of the 'ehem', cocks are.

It's a good story, hope ya keep it up!

The cussing from this is intense, and I've been around a lot of people who cuss. Popcorn would make a wonderful soldier in the Navy...I wouldn't doubt it for a second

This game could go on for a long time, meaning it could have hundreds of chapters if you really put your mind to it, even I can tell it's got that big chance of doing so!

I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor if thats the case, I really don't want this visual novel to end. Honestly, it's like my favorite by far.

FYI-FYI-FYI-FYI.........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You made it to where he has NO feelings for him! OMG, you're killing me!!!!

FYI-FYI-FYI, I am now more in love with haima than tate, aiden, or any other character combined. Please, for my sanity, and so that my heart doesn't explode from heartbreak if he isn't a datable character, MAKE HIM A DATABLE CHARACTER! He's soooooo cute! 

Omg, haima is such a cute character, please for the love of god and all that is holy make him a datable character. It would be nice to do so

FYI-FYI, Haima is also a character that would make an interesting love interest. I'm not far in enough to know if it a possibility to be with him, but it would be cool IF SO!

FYI, rlly love the tate story line.

Hope ya don't stop; this visual novel being stopped would suck. It's hard to find such novel's that actually make you feel like you're a part of it. It...I guess you could say, help's me focus on something more expansive than the dull grey moments in my life.

So, you've got my support on this!

No new stuff? I'm...a bit saddened by this.

Like the story, hope you don't drop it

That means, there's going to be a lot of different body growth routes, right? Different character images, ect

Body growth, rlly hoping so.

Eager to know, frfr

(2 edits)

Will you be adding body growth for the character? Due to the cock vore scene, is their testicle growth coming in the future updates? It'd be pretty cool if there is body growth, and you can choose what to grow!

unlimited inflation? I mean, if your capable of producing so much spunk, why not making infinite belly inflation?

Oh, maybe some mini-games like an eating competition?

Should add more options for this game, such as slime body invasion (Meaning like, the slimes go into your...holes...and well, ya get the idea.) also maybe some sex scenes with inflation?