Copied from #guide on game jams discord.
When writing a letter, please consider these do's and don'ts:
• Tell who you are and what you do.
• Name games and genres that you like, and why you like them.
• Vaguely describe what kind of game you would like to have.
• If needed, specify accessibility concerns so that you can play your gift.
• Ask for a game that goes against the rules.
• Say that you are fine with whatever. Give your Santa something they can work with and will inspire them.
• Ask for something too specific or technical, or pressure your Santa in making something they might not be able to achieve. Your wishlist should inspire them, not instruct them.
**An example letter**
Hi! I'm a second year college student studying Digital Media. I mostly play RPGs now (newer ones like The Witcher, Skyrim etc), and enjoy making little PICO8 platformers when I dev.
Currently living with my two cats, Poki and Momo, but have always been a big animal lover! And used to foster shelter dogs and go hiking with them in the woods around here.
I use a Mac so something that runs in the browser would be best for me :) If you want to learn more about me or play some of my games, look at my twitter!