well its a strong foot in the door from the teaser showing stealth over combat
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imma just toss this oppinion in here.....a demo thats free and is the sfw version would be a good idea but thats alotta extra work that does NOTHING to help the development of the main game and only delay updates so its ither let the game grow or have a free section thats heavily modified.....which has to have its own development cycle which makes the game grow slower as a whole.....as much as i dont wanna pay your also paying to help it grow further faster and yes theres many alternatives out there that can out do this one thats free but thats not the only point to be had here....theres a stealth thing here thats not as present...you dont fight you hide and avoid which stealth isnt that oftain<if at all> done in a ROR game genre.....its usualy a fighting ROR<run or rape for those curious>
another idea for the pistol....a silencer and maybe a secondary pistol that adds an infinate ammo but is lower damage and overheats fast....maybe im thinking too hard or asking two much but some weapon slots could have more then one slots posably...another idea and this is a small one is add your own beastiary for demons items guns and so onto have info in game about things but ofcorse after aquireing data on them in a level outside the test level this will let you better explain alt fire modes and what the ammo is to add alittle info without having to do too much work other then adding a new thing in the main menu and unlockables for said new menu though daisy the pistol and kick should be already unlocked naturaly seeing its default stuff...id also debate armor and health shards being explained and maybe the armor pickups but now the temp power ups to encure more exploration and curiocity to those that havent played doom before<if such a person exsists>
i figured id start a small thing for ideas and of corse i love the game so far but an idea is for a special attack when using both legs to kick.maybe make it a forwards dropick attack that does more knock back and more damage then the normal kick making it good for knocking foes into closing doors,explodable barrels,off ledges,into enemy attacks,into enemy<which may damage the enemy hit with the other enemy too?>maybe even punt an exploding barrel into a group of enemy like bowling?i know some of this would be hard to code but even the dropkick alone is a nice idea to try and adding knock back will allow for interesting new techniques and strategies
also sorry for rambling