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A member registered Jan 26, 2020

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Oh cool thanks for telling me. I assumed their wasn't a android port so I didn't go looking. I found out there was one when I encountered a random Password fan on the Internet.

So yeah! I can play while on the go ya hoo!

It should be on Password's patreon.

I wonder. What would happen if Dave got a password that showed him his death. How would he react to it? In fact what if someone like Roswell got somebody else's password!?

There are so many things that could happen! 

Also why do I find Dave playing video games with Orlando so bloody wholesome.

(2 edits)

Very good game. 馃憣

Also yeah. This comment may contain spoilers so oof.

Tho I feel bad for Cassuis though... oh yeah and Amicus too. I feel bad for Cassuis because yes sometimes he can be extremely rude but he dosen't deserve to be posioned! Wait. I forgot. Is he even still alive!? I swear if mc says he saw Cassuis. I'm going to explode because this god danm story is so GOOD!

Also Amicus went through so much with mc just to watch mc die in front of him. Because we know how much we love seeing our happy boi. SAD.

Sorry if it sounds I'm ranting. But I'm not. Hours of no sleep can make you really weird.   ._.

Even though I don't have a computer to play the game... yet. I just have to say this game is pretty dang good. I also love all the bloody characters! I like all the references in it. Including that one about having the power of god and anime on Hoss's side lol. Once I get my computer I will be getting this game instantly.

Also danm Dean in the start of the game you were in the friendzone danm I know how you feel xD.