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A member registered Nov 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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This was a great demo I am really excited to see the full release. I give this a 5/5. Hope to see it soon.

I enjoy playing your game. I was feeling dread through out the days when going to her apartment expecting something to happen. I rate this game a 4/5. Hope to see what else you make in the future.

This was a good horror game. I got goosebumps when playing this game. I can't wait to see part 2 get made. I give this game a 5/5.

I enjoy playing this game a lot. I like how work gets more complicated as the days go by. The horror in this game doesn't come from monsters or jumpscares, but it comes from he atmosphere and the setting in the game. I give this game 5/5. Can't wait to see what else you make.

I enjoyed playing this game. The Cockroach monster scared me a lot even the small ones scared me. Interacting with the objects was a bit weird at times, but this game was alright. I give this game a 4/5.

I enjoyed playing the game it was a lot of fun and scary. The mirror dude made gave me the creeps you did a good job making him creepy.

This is a great game. I like the microphone mechanic in the game forcing you to stay quiet and not scream when something scares you. Very well made game would love to see a sequal. 5/5.

I massivily enjoy playing this game. The story and horror was great I was hooked from the start and the game got me scared from time to time. I give this game a 5/5. Can't wait to see the second game.

This was a fun horror game to play. The horror in this game was to me a slow, with each night getting scarier. I also enjoy the story in this game. I also like the hint to a sequel at the end of the game as well.

I really enjoy playing this game. The atmosphere was really great you did a good job making it. The game also kind of reminds me of another game called the Iron Lung with all the blood and such. Small complaint I have is that you do a lot of waiting, but when you wait I have time to look around and see all the blood and rust in the game. This was a great and well made game I give it 5/5. I hope to see you make another game. Also thank you for adding the thumbnail stuff, it help me a lot.

This was fun to play, I like the introduction and the horror in the game. This was a well made game I  give it a 5/5,


I like the graphics and props in this game they look nice. I also enjoy the different endings to this game as well. Only issue was interacting with the objects, got to be real up close to them. Well made game I give it a 4.5/5.

This game was an experience to play. Very bizarre and strange from start to finish.


I like the setting this game has, human being treat like livestock and being used for whatever purpose. This game can be loud at times, with the doors opening and monster screams. At first they can take you by surprise with how loud it is, but as the game progress they start to become irritating than just scary screams. I enjoyed playing this game I give it a 4/5.

Fun horror game with inspirations from the old survival horror games in the PS1 era. 

I enjoyed playing this game a lot. It feels very inspired by the old survival horror games during the PS1 era. I had fun playing this game and can't wait to see what else you make.

Great indie horror game I enjoyed playing it massively. I liked the small things in the game that add to the world and tie in with your other game(the ritual) I also like that small things that could also change the way you get a ending to. I rate this indie horror game a 5/5 can't wait to see what else you are making.

This game is ok, there some stuff that were easy to miss like the entrance to the underground, it did not look like it would open, and the code to the lock took a while to find as well. I enjoy this game and I rate it 4/5. 

I enjoyed this game a lot, I like how the atmosphere is creepy and unnerving when the 'dog' is making too much noise. (second game I played)

This game is alright, I like the noise mechanic in the game, but I did not like the weird perspective in the game. (first game I played)

I enjoyed playing this game. I like the cooking and the horror in this game. To me the cooking and getting the ingredients make you lower your guard which makes the jumpscares more scary.   Great game I  hope to see you make more games. 5/5. Have a good day.

This a nice and short game. I had a good time playing it and got some scares from it to. 5/5.

I enjoyed this horror game a lot, it was neat and wholesome. Hope you get lots of donations and have a good day. 5/5

I enjoyed playing this game. The plot of the game is a bit weird. At first I thought we're trying to find our daughter and then next I know we are summoning a demon to bring her back alive. This is an ok game to play 4/5. Have a good day.


I enjoyed playing this game. I found the horror and story in the game to be good. Some things I did not like were the wood planks they were hard to find and I got stuck when going to the 'trap zone' forcing me to restart the game. This is still a good game with the issues and I can't wait to see what else you make. 4.5/5 Have a good day.

I enjoyed playing this game. The art style and music is really good, although the music is a bit too loud in my opinion. Still a good game 4.5/5.

I enjoyed playing this game alot. When playing this game I felt dread because of the creature. Can't wait to see the update and sequal. 5/5.

This was an alright game, the monster is scary but when he become less scary once I realize that he does hurt you until you get all the evidence. The ending where you escape also felt underwhelming. (game is the first one I played). 3.5/5

This was an nice horror game. You did a good job making the atmosphere scary, I was scared on what was going to happen next. This game also felt a bit too short, but it's still an alright game. (game is the second one I played) 4/5.

I really enjoy the premise of the game. Very scary with little jump scares. Can't wait to see what else you make in the future. 5/5.

This is a nice horror game. I enjoyed the jumpscares and the atmosphere in the game. The spiriting in this game is not that fast, it a bit faster than walking but it still felt slow. 4.5/5

This was an alright game, I enjoy the bits of humor in it. This games was a little bit scary. It was scary at the start and end, but not so much when trying to the phone. It was still fun to play 4/5.

This was a great game to play, I had a lot of fun playing it. I like the how you test your luck in this game. 5/5.

This is a alright game. I enjoyed the creepy atmosphere, it was really spooky. The monster was somewhat easy to outrun in the game. I can't wait to see what else you make. 4.5/5.

This is a great game that you made. I really like the red and green light mechanic. When the light was red I could only watch in horror as Ruby got closer to me, and then relief as the lights went off. 5/5

This is a great game, I like the way the monster looks in the game all long and tall. I enjoyed playing this game a lot and can't wait to see what else you make, 4.5/5.

(1 edit)

This is a nice and short horror game. I really like how the slow change in the environment. (edit) I forgot to give my rating 5/5.

This is a good game I enjoyed it a lot. One thing I dislike was how long the road is, kind of makes getting the endings a bit of a chore. I give this game a 4.5/5

This game was ok, did not like the use of AI voices and such. This game atmosphere was very scary and the jumpscares got me alot. (this is the full version)

This is an alright game. I enjoyed the final part where you fight off the monster, I dislike the going back and forth with the keys kind of felt tedious. I enjoyed this game a lot and I will wait to see what else you make.