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Megareka Studio

A member registered Jan 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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the aesthetic is just awesome!

art concept and the game concept is just beautiful. Great works!

Thank you for the encouragement OwO

wkowkw ahoy capt!

thank you kak mawapr….

quite a unique premise, and catchy artworks, nicely done rightly

wuhu, makasih kak weocast oWo

wihiw, thank you kindly kak rielcasey

Thank you warmly for the encouragement kak Selticmedley OwO

wkowkwok, sangat benar.

ah, worries not, and thank you for your time OwO

Dengan senang hati, Tuan Anggi. Besok datang lagi ya…. >///<

wee, maaciw bang aalrahmadhani

huhuy, thankyou bang roykhan

mantap adi :hands_up:

Dang, the art is surely a definition of cute, b-but why we must have the gorey side huhuhuhu. Great Game anyway~!

overall this is a great game. Its just me that being an easily disturbed person :’v Cant we stay in heaven instead? haha. Good Game anyway~!

ah, classical tower defense game, kind a remind me of Warcraft 3 hehe, nice works!

the art is just outrightly outstanding. cuman emang aga susah ya karena delay projectilenya hehe, overall nicely done!

Its interesting coz the premise of the game is literally out of the box wkwk

wow, concept gameplay yg sewarna dengan concept art. Literally beautiful OwO. Gameplaynya bikin inget moment ngeliatin ikan cupang, menunggu wkwk

Art designnya sangat top notch.

(1 edit)

ahhh, the lighting is truly tremendous, securing the vibe of the game. A work done well

wow, this game is fascinatingly cute. I really liked the art, giving a cherry on top of the gameplay. Soooo fluffyyyy OwO

Loh, antum kan beatmakernya? Gas bikin beat level 4, 5 OwO

wih, manteppo kak danyzaky :hands_up:

ahay, makasih kak agustamfz. Yeah its trickier than it looks, i fell for that too numerous time :’

unch unch, thank you kak luthfialdihe OwO

Wow, thank you so much for such comprehensive feedback ^^

Shout out buat temen seguild Exos Heroes ane wwkkw, Kyouya

and worry not tentang komen yg dirasa offending :v, we were glad instead. What player felt is the most valuable to our game.

belum tamat ka klo belom 100% x 3 ehehe
