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A member registered Oct 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Puss in Boots? More like Puss and booty! You are Captain Blackfur, armed with claw, single-shot flintlock pistol and blunderbuss in this endearing, yet brutal highscore-chaser by Shiloh with a banger soundtrack and plenty of vermin to relieve of their gold. Arrr you ready? 

Catacombs 3D and Blake Stone had a lovechild that’s been conceived with lots of passion and a healthy dose of fun, and apparently mutantleg were the wetnurse, stole the child, named it LAB and put it on itch. It’s currently in its third iteration, and it’s simply glorious. Play this!

Remember SUPERHOT, the “time moves when you do” super creative FPS that turned also into a smash-hit in VR? Tarkovsky sure did, as they should, being three of the OG SUPERHOT developers, having turned the game into an 8-bit pixel-delight. It’s every bit as addicting as the original!

Stomp your way through beautifully crafted levels in various Mechs and blast away with meaty weapons at ever-changing foes. Axebane’s RunstMecha2040 is a prime example of how a limited engine like EFPSE can still be used to produce truly fun and exciting gameplay and design.

“System Shock meets Doom 3” – Dithered Output’s total conversion is putting the player in alternating states of horror and terror, alleviated by a plethora of easter eggs and absurd NPCs. Combine that with its stunning visuals and mechanics, and Siren has to be on everyone’s to-play list.

Make your way to the eponymous tree in this pastel world, accompanied by a mellow piano tune… Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? Well, it would be, were it not for all the jumping, dashing, shooting and kicking across platforms, beams, and hurt floors. That’s what makes it amazing.

This score-based wave shooter by spruss puts you in the apron of a Sushi-place worker whose All You Can Eat promo has gone horribly wrong. It’s a diverting little game for a few minutes now and then, bearing quite some surprises on your way to the next high score.

You might feel reminded of Wild Bastards in parts, the release of which was but a sparkle in the developer’s eye at the time of the game jam this was created for, and you wouldn’t be far off. It only goes to show how innovative and promising the concepts that developer Neofuturism put together here really are. I will be honest with you, I have yet to make it to the end of Colt’s map, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to give it another try.

Hey, just saw the game isn't available on steam in Germany anymore... 

Since November 15, in order for your game to be available on steam in Germany, you have to answer an "Age Rating" questionnaire. Did you do that?

Many of those projects are awesome... this one is awealot! (I'll see myself out). Ina ll seriousness... This looks, sounds and plays fantastic. RReally wish we could have more of that.

This game is way more fun than it has any right to be.

I had a ton of fun with this! Wouldn't I know this was for a game jam, I wouldn't have believed it... there's plenty of stuff on steam that couldn't hold a candle to this game (I mean, a leveling system? A store? Not to mention the brilliantly designed, diverse levels...). I feel it's well within your rights to put a price tag on this!

Man, I really love the visuals, sound design... the whole atmosphere. There's so much potential here, I really hope you find the time to pick this up again!

This is my kind of weird and especially my kind of fun! I'll watch this project with great interest!

I need this vision of yours to come to further fruition! Gamejams are supposed to stimulate creativity, but this here is something else. I need more paintings in my life!

Well deserved 1st place in the Jam! Would love to see another episode or 10 in the future!

I like it, good fun, guns feel surprisingly good. Some audio feedback for enemies firing/getting hurt would be nice, but that's it.

Satisfying shotty, chaingun goes brrr... Really dig the design and fluidity, that was really fun!