Puss in Boots? More like Puss and booty! You are Captain Blackfur, armed with claw, single-shot flintlock pistol and blunderbuss in this endearing, yet brutal highscore-chaser by Shiloh with a banger soundtrack and plenty of vermin to relieve of their gold. Arrr you ready?
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You might feel reminded of Wild Bastards in parts, the release of which was but a sparkle in the developer’s eye at the time of the game jam this was created for, and you wouldn’t be far off. It only goes to show how innovative and promising the concepts that developer Neofuturism put together here really are. I will be honest with you, I have yet to make it to the end of Colt’s map, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to give it another try.
I had a ton of fun with this! Wouldn't I know this was for a game jam, I wouldn't have believed it... there's plenty of stuff on steam that couldn't hold a candle to this game (I mean, a leveling system? A store? Not to mention the brilliantly designed, diverse levels...). I feel it's well within your rights to put a price tag on this!