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A member registered Feb 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your review and your kind words!!!

Yep, this game was a big step, maybe too big - longer story, more events to handle... and the isometric part which was a huge problem itself (because I had to invent/find everything to make it work...I even made a map editor just for that). If I had known in advance the amount of work behind my idea... this game would probably not exist today.

Now the good news is, if I want to make another isometric game, I can use my brand new map editor :D

I'm really happy that you found the monsters and sound effects well done. I will continue to work on this game, at least until I feel it's complete enough - then maybe I'll make another, who knows? ^_^

Thanks again!


2. Feed the creature - A very basic and short "horror" pet simulator where you feed a creature (or you let it starve). It takes less than a minute to get an ending, and there are 6 endings. It's ok if you don't find all of them!

3. All made by me. The library I used is credited ingame in the main menu.

4. Should be for all ages; there is no blood or anything, only bad drawings

5. UTC+1 - but any stream hour is fine!

6. It's my first game so any critique - any comment - would be greatly appreciated :D

Thanks! :D

Thank you!

And thanks for the suggestions. I don't know if I'll add more creatures, but the tracking system is something I would like to add. I don't know how many players will find all 6 endings without it  ^_^'

Thanks for playing my game!

A very good game!

I admit I died a lot at the rising lava - didn't know where to go at some points; but after trying again I was able to find the exit. I had a lot of fun with your game!

And I loved the graphics and the music!