I didnt cry playing this :') not at all
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Ok i had to create an itch.io account just to leave this review. First off, spoilers of course. Stop reading here if you havent played the game yet.
My first complaint lies in the general gameplay. Theres this mechanic where you keep having to fetch wood and rope for every thing the characters want you to do in the game and its ridiculously jarring to the story and doesnt make any sense in the context of the activity even taking place. Second of all the dialouge with characters is frustrating and extremely limited. Like the character luna for example. Literally no matter what you do to talk to here once you get to north ruby beach results in here being fucking sad and not wanting to talk to you for a day and locking out her dialouge. Not to mention the ruby quiz's answers can be proven incorrect with a simple google search, thus making someone who even knows something about the topic fail the quiz for abitrary reasons. It needs work