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Melvin Groy

A member registered 60 days ago

Recent community posts

Most anti-semitic i've ever played

Stop running your mouth bozo. Quit lying to people fag.

So bad made me dislike the negro community even more. 

Best game I've played in awhile. KEEP THIS ON THE DOWN LOW. I'm only supposed to make mean comments, ONE EXCEPTION. Unable to rape pp too soft now.

Painful, couldn't get through it. Please refrain from producing any more games.

Hey Angela, thanks for making my one night off work MISERABLE. Trashy unusable game pad requirements, now just waiting for my next day at the office with that bozo d bag Derrick. This is all gonna be your fault, my time is gone because of you. YOU stole it and threw it into the TRASH.

WOW!!!!! Couldn't tolerate this for more than 10 seconds. 

Not enough black characters, plus didn't see any jews in there. Just another RACIST and ANTISEMTIC piece of garbage. I need my niggas to back me up on this one.

I grinded the stair rail all the way to the bedroom without your boy getting me. I beat your silly game. What else you got?

Stop lying to people, I found the shells. The jig is up.

You didn't find the shotgun shells?! Dude SO awesome.

Found a way out, btw nice touch with the shooting mechanics- really took the game to a whole other level.

Shut your mouth nigga. This game is flawless, so quit running that mouth bum.

Laughing and seething.

Yeah this game was pretty garbage and devoid of content. You wanna go rape?

8 whole days to cook up this pathetic response, really? Here I was thinking you were just another typical female. Turns out you're actually retarded. 

what is this obsession with me really about, huh? Why can't you just move on?

Nigga shut your mouth.

"OUR GAME"??? It took multiple people to make this garbage.

Yap yap yap, why don't you quit running that mouth Pixel.

Kept waiting for it to get good, and guest what!!! It never did, because the creator is a talentless bum.

Man I didn't know there was gonna be rape in this game I luhhhhhhh rape.

Wow bozo, hope this was your final game.

Yeah terrible game and all couldn't finish it, but why don't you learn how to speak english bozo. 

Typical women response, you say that because all you have to offer is your body. Now how about that sandwich.


If you love your hubby so much, why don't you quit yapping on the internet and go make him a sandwich.

Be careful running your mouth with me.

hey bozo, don't run that mouth just because you ain't master the double blade

WOW, JUST LIKE INCEPTION but instead of it being a dream within a dream it's a terrible game inside a terrible game. I hate you.

More grain than jewish rye. Made my eyes bleed, I don't EVER want to catch you making a game out here EVER again, DO YOU UNDERSTAND.

Yo chat why this bonehead yap so much.