So, out of curiosity:
Are there plans for more story/areas/possibly spirits?
There is talk about the cave paintings, that cave is mentioned occasionally, etc. The interactions are really cute anyway, there is a lot of context-interaction, which is pretty neat so all in all this is awesome.
More animations and all that is appearently already planned so thats nice too.
Recent community posts
Genuinly love where this is going, obviously for fun smut but also just the quality and idea of it all.
I mean, its pretty fuckin amazing as is anyway.
One thing that rubs me the wrong way occasionally is that the protagonist is kind of a dick sometimes. Like when she gets both legs for the first time and he just kinda shuts down her beimg happy about it, stuff like that. Regardless, this is just super charming and im looking forward to whatever you hot planned.
1. Do you people understand that this game is still in development?
If bugs or similar happen, let the maker know, dont bitch about it.
2. It´s not on iOS because its an absolute pain to get things on iOS if its "suitable", porn and the like you can pretty much just forget
3. If it doesnt work on your browser, you´re doing something wrong. Try a different browser, reset settings/cookies/etc.