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Mer Grazzini

A member registered Jan 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Ayyy gracias!!
Significa mucho <3
El código es bastante simplón, aunque yo estoy muy orgullosa, porque no soy programadora jaja. Es un poco de código y bastante laburo a la hora de escribir, respetar ciertas estructuras y formas gramaticales para que siempre coincida (en inglés y castellano!)
Acabo de subir el código fuente, es un capx que podés abrir en Construct 2 o 3. Está todo comentado, explicado, y hasta tiene chistes jaja.

Jajaja gracias!! Me alegra que alguien aún se acuerde de este meme!

Awww gracias, me alegra que te haya gustado :D

Sii!! Excelente, misión cumplida entonces. Gracias!!

Ohh yes, I'm sure I could do it better now! Should get back to it at some point!
Thanks so much!

Oohh I didn't remember it didn't!! God. haha. I should repair it someday then, yes! Thanks a lot!!! <3

Thanks!!!! I've never played WarioWare but ofc I know it, and with the jam folks we talked a lot about it the week prior this one, for the "10 seconds" promp. So yesss good job spotting the inspirations :) :)

Ah lol it's your game!!! 

Hahahaha I'm happy we had the same idea, fellow cone appreciator <3

I have no idea what that is and I can't find it on Google! :0 Do you have any link?

Anyway, it's like the simpliest mechanic, so there's probable thousands of games like this. The characters are from another game too! This was a parody of a friend's game :)

Hi! So i got here via your teacher Meg. I'm also a game design teacher, and man, this is great!!! I'm gonna show it to my students ^^
The music and sound implementation is great, and the story is super funny. I love how selfaware it is, and the way the narrator acts and it's not very sure about stuff. 

Anyway, you said: "(this is going global mark my words)". I'm writing all the way from Argentina, so yeah, it went global hahaha

LOL thanks for the heads up, I think I fixed it. 
Also OMG, I didn't expect anyone to get that far hahaha 
Thanks a lot Corey <3 T.T

JAJAJA Estuve haciendo uno por semana!! Ahora me estoy calmando. Pero esto fue presión social jajaja

Thanks so muuuch!! Yeah, I literally started working a few hours before deadline, so having at least a space and a vibe is more than I expected :)

OH GOD, I'll try to get to this as soon as I can. I'm sorry it broke your game!!! But thanks to trying it out, specially in another language! And for the bug report :)

Ohh thanks a lot!!! And thanks for the other comment as well :) <3

And yes, I put a warning in the description, but guess a screen at the start would be better. I'll update it later!

Thaanks a lot!! The theme of the jam was "Sensory overload", so I needed something weird :) I'm happy you enjoyed it! And hey, I just released this week's game! haha 

Ohhh thanks!! It's a music note that goes along with the rest of the song ;)
I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Awww thanks!!!

I learned from the best ;)

JAJA gracias Toniiii :D :D 

Aaaw thanks so much! I had a lot of fun recording everything :)) I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Thanks a lot!! 


Thanks!! :) :) 


Thanks so muchhh!!!! :')

Yeeyyy! You can think about Elephants in peace now :)

LOL OMG I should have stated it somewhere. I could also make it so you can move with WASD too. On it. Thanks for playing and feedback! <3

Weird! Did you try clicking the screen? When you go Fullscreen sometimes browser loses focus on the game, it's so silly.

Graciaaas <3 <3

Hahaha I should put that, at least in the description. But I love your metagame. Thanks for playing! <3

Eso se ve muy bien!! Totalmente, animate a alguna jam. A fines de Enero está la Global, esa es la primer jam de mucha gente (fue la mía hace mucho también). Y sí, dale, pasá a mostrar cuando tengas, o buscame por Twitter :)

Gracias!! Vos también participaste en la jam? :O 

y sii la barra se rompe porque usé la versión gratuita que no me deja hacer más capas, así que no podía tener una capa de UI y lo até con alambre jajaja. Éramos tan pobres. Cuando haga el resto de los niveles compraré la licencia y lo arreglaré :D

Y awww gracias por jugar el de la balsa! Otro juego que dejé a medias jajaja. 

I love this Sticker Simulator mechanic very much. Here are some of mine!!! <3 

Aaaaaawww merci beaucoup!!! <3 
I'm super glad you're enjoying it so much. And happy that you could feel the connection between the mechanics and what's happening in the story, like what you said about the breathing :D 
And yeah, the prototype was made in a week, while this game took us three months aprox. It was a good experiencie to have that proto, cause we could organize work in a more precise way, having already conceived a core idea/aesthetics/ etc :D 

¡Hola! Soy la artista del juego. ¡Me alegra un montón tu comentario! :) :) 
¡Mucha suerte aprendiendo español! Es un idioma muy lindo :D

Hi! You mean the one you have to draw? You first need to get the two pieces of the mask. Once you have them, on the top right you'll see the mask icon with the dots you have to connect to make the Owl drawing. Hope this is clear enough! 

Me muero, qué lindo, gracias!! Yo no pude mentoriar este año la sede de acá, pero di una clase de Twine para la sede de Zambia jaja
Me alegra que haya estado presente igual gracias a vos :) 

Thanks!!! :)

You know you're right? We definitely should have a TW in the description. Thanks for letting us know!! 

And thanks for playing! ^^ I promise the rest of our games are less anxiety inducing haha