Thank you for the suggestion. Monthly updates still needs great coordination, and we might be unable do to in our state that due to our staff's health (and willing to step back from the project).
Thank you very much for your support!
Yeah, we didn't want to be part of the projects that never come to life, but anyway that's a thing now and we are really disappointed. Things kept piling up until it was unbearable.
Anywyay, thank you very much for your kind words, we poured our love and passion when we were working on it and things were still ok! If you felt "that spark"... that's a super huge compliment for us.
Wish you a very good day / night!
Hi Sica!
Sorry for the late reply, your comment passed through like a ninja.
Thank you a LOT for your kind words! It really means a lot, mostly these days. Things haven't been easy in the past, and they still aren't. It's very nice of you to worry like that (please don't ruin your health worrying though!), and having such a comprehensive and kind fanbase has done more for us those past years than any medical update.
We'll try to give some news soon. Unti then, we'll tell Sally how kind and thoughtful you all have been and still are, it will help her feel better in the hospital I'm sure!
Hi Syl, thank you for your kind words! It helps with our current situation, really.
We wonder the exact same thing, but unfortunately there's nothing much we can do now about that except try our best to fight it!
Again, thank you and your friends for the nice thoughts and words, we can keep going thanks to our dear community being so supportive and understanding and patient!
Take care too Syl, it has been a rough couple years!
On dit toujours que la roue tourne mais là il serait temps qu'elle le fasse!
C'est très gentil de poster un petit message plein de bonnes vibes comme ça! C'est grâce à tout votre soutien qu'on lâche rien, on fait vraiment tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour aider au mieux et on en a vu défiler, des médecins!
Prends soin de toi aussi, on sait à quel point c'est important la santé! Merci encore!
I don't know if we have bad karma or something but it seems it's never ending.
We wondered the exact same thing about the morphine, sadly there's nothing much we can do about it right now - free healthcare doesn't mean all doctors are competent. We are doing our best to help her with it in our own way, that's why it's not as bad as it could be! Now, though, only professional help can deal with the disease part of it.
Thank you for your concern, it means a lot - and it helps a lot too!
We are wondering the exact same thing...
Ain't no rest for the wicked they say :/ Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, religious or not I'm sure it helps! We would like for whoever is in charge up there to stop messing around.
We know it's quite a long wait, but it feels like twice the wait for us and we can't wait to finish and release it. Luckily, we have people like you having our backs, which helps a lot! We can take a deep breath thanks to comments like yours and we won't ever thank you enough for that!
Take care of yourself too, Aural, and a million thanks for your kindness and patience and sweet words!
Hi! We're absolutely thrilled to learn you played the full demo and left no choice behind - and we're sure you're gonna do the same thing with the full game! We've been facing some difficulties lately but we'll soon post a newsletter to keep you guys updated about our current situation. Thank you for taking the time to play the demo and post a comment!
Hi! You have no idea how happy your comment made us! We are glad you liked the demo to the point of coming back to it! Thank you for your enthusiasm and kind words! We hope you'll like the full game as much (and even more)!
Thank you again for taking the time to let us know how you feel about the game!