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Princess Bridget

A member registered Oct 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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She's coming in October's update! ^^ We're already working out the details to ensure the next public build/version offers a more equal amount of content vs our support build/version. With so many people hyped for the female protagonist, we're going to make sure the public version includes all of episode 1 for her being playable in the next update, along with the current support build's content (3 scenes)

Nope! ^^ The only version that costs money is hosted on our Subscribestar page and that's content that's a month ahead of the public version. (For Windows/Linux, Mac and Android as well.)

Upcoming update is bringing Android back.

I had to look up what OS is used on Chromebooks. ^^" It sounds like once we offer Android downloads for the game again here pretty soon, you should be able to run that version on Chromebook through this method.

Thanks! ^^ <3 Here's to us continuing for another 5 years! (Maybe not another 5 years on MA's project XD But just in general with development. :P ) We're very excited to get new content flowing out once again as well, now that our new approach has been in action for a month. It should help us deliver monthly content without fail outside of extreme situations that'd put a light delay on something, but overall it should be good! It's just this first update we're testing that's taken a tiny bit longer than we had expected, but it should be smooth sailing once that's out here in a matter of days.

Very excited to share the mobile version with our upcoming update then! :P On the 25th is our expected update and we should also have our next announcement to confirm the following update by this weekend too. ^^ There will be plenty of new and exciting fun to check out then in your case, a lot more cg art and some moments that'll be memorable from before that'll feel fresh in itself with how it compares to before. <3

Android release is coming with our next update. ^^ More news on that coming in the next few days with a news post to confirm the release date. <3

I'd love to expand our official support towards browser-based! It's something we can look into for on-going updates per month or if it'd be a longer term thing. (Like waiting until the end of development as a whole, or possibly updating the browser version every 3-4 months if it'll require some tweaks than normal.) ^^

Eyup! We're actually putting together some big previews for our next development report coming this month pretty soon! It'll include much more than just previews too. ^^

We're still developing that content, so no date is decided at this time. At the very latest with that release, we'd expect by June 30th to be safe. As we get closer to completion on that content, we'll announce a proper release date. <3

Android build is coming with the next update. <3 We had issues with mobile builds for a while, but it's been fixed on the coding side recently.

She should be within June's update. ^^

We're shooting for June's update to include Blythe within ep 1. ^^

Thank you! ^^ Glad you're enjoying the game so far! <3

(1 edit)

Android version will be coming with the next release before the end of this month. ^^ Thank you by the way! <3

Eyup! Android version is coming back this month. (It was broke for the longest time, but recently fixed and tested.)

Joey/Nathan the other two male characters in the cast do appear at times, as they are the protag's friends. But we try to balance out how often they appear. Typically showing up briefly or once per episode as lighter focus. (There is no option to date them or involve yourself sexually with them. Joey/Nathan don't involve  themselves sexually with others in the cast either.)

We just recently announced and revealed the game is receiving a female protagonist option late March. If you haven't seen that post, its here below. ^^

It's been one of our largest requests during development and so we're aware about it, but I can't exactly say much more right now. Be on the lookout in early March as we have a lot of project announcements coming then that might excite many players. ^^

The less I say the better on this. ^^" All I can say is that we're sharing some news this month. Hope many will be excited by the news. <3

Unfortunately we already have a programmer, but we never quite know what the future might hold, even if it's for our next project. If you'd like to keep in touch through Discord? ^^

Android versions should return with v0.21 One of our previous programmers had tweaked with something and we suspect the coding section for the mobile exports is out of whack. (Right now upon exporting, it'd present us with the gui and sprites being completely out of place to the point where it's not playable.)

Eyup! We ran into a problem with one of our past programmers doing something with the mobile coding and so we're looking into having Android versions offered with v0.21 ^^

There is plans for some aspects of this coming to the game in 2024. ^^ I'd say there's one character route that has heavy focus on crossdressing and so it might fit right in with sissy aspects for what's expected out of the content. We don't have this content in-game yet, but it'd be for the character Lola.

Patreon decided to flat out ban a ton, if not nearly all abdl content creators off of their platform two days before December. Tons of people have decided to head over to Subscribestar instead since Patreon has officially said they won't allow abdl content at all over there. >.<

Our project/game development is continuing so far, but it'll count on how funding after December looks like into January forward to see how we approach things forward fully. <.< The first thing to be cut from development due to low funding would be new cg scene art added to the game, given its expensive nature. (Ideally we don't even want that to happen, as the rest of our development is mainly writing, editing, programming and cg art with a few minor costs/fees aside for taxes, etc.)

Just saw this! ^^" You can download the game right here on the itch page. If you're curious about the supporter exclusive versions of the game for $5, you can check out our sub star page. (All of these details are on this page.)

Thanks! ^^ We should have some new content out this upcoming week for the public version and of course our supporters on subscribestar will gain access to the latest, most recent game versions before the public as we move along into 2024. 

Thanks! ^^ <3 I hope the future releases continue to provide much entertainment as it should only go up from here!

No worries! We normally have a mobile version offered for Android, but it won't be fixed until v0.20 (For some reason we couldn't get it working with v0.19 or v0.19.5 While between programmers.)

>.< Must've ran out of time, here's a new updated one that'll work for the next 30 days. ^^

(My plan is to open the server up as a community during December, since Discord has decided to limit invite links only working for 30 days before they're invalid, unless it's for a community. >.< )

Gotcha! It is something we could consider if it meant more personal experiences. :P We'll of course take some time to think it over and make sure it pans out with overall development before confirming it for sure. Thank you for the suggestion and the kind words! <3 ^^

Just checking, you mean for the protag to be seen in the male or female uniform? Or something else? :P I can't always promise every suggestion, but we do consider stuff all the time to add if it means more options. ^^

Thank you! <3 I do think someone else had brought it up as well recently, that they had troubles with .rar files and asked for us to provide .zip files even as a alternative. We'll go ahead and correct this with our upcoming release for MA v0.20 forward~ ^^

Thank you for the kind words! ^^ I don't want to get ahead of myself with any mentions yet, since we're still looking at a year or so worth of content to get into the game. There are rough plans in the form of notes for a project after MA that if done right, it'll be pretty interesting with it's gameplay elements, much more interactive than MA. :P

v0.20 but it'll be a pretty hefty episode of content. :P

Eyup! We're about to put out a news post today or tomorrow that lists how close we are with the content in development and actually probably setting a confirmed release date as well! ^^

This link should work, I forgot Discord invite links only last for 30 days now unless we're a community server. (Still looking into that before opening it up as one.)

Of course! ^^ The MC is Brandon and his appearance can be seen here from one of the cg scenes, but his sprite visuals aren't seen as the pov is from his eyes through most of the game.

Wow! I've seen a very tiny bit of people mention the game or cover it in some form before, but I have to give you major props for giving the game a chance and making a video covering it! ^^ I always have to assume that this isn't the type of game or content that most people are willingly looking to cover and I totally get that for good reason due to the themes naturally. ^^" So, even if your video was to judge it harshly or bring up what you don't personally like, I would've understood 100%.

What I think is most surprising is that you not only covered the game's intro, but it really feels like you go into trying a great range of games with a open mind, maybe not for the exact reason others might be coming to the game and playing it for.. XD But.. I have to give respect as a whole for even wishing to try it out, even if you decide along the way, that it just isn't something to cover any further.

I hope my response doesn't influence how you personally think about the game, good or bad and if you do cover more of the game in future videos. I hope your thoughts about things are truthful even if it's pointing out the good, bad, etc. Thank you for sharing your video coverage here, you have a new subscriber! ^^

(If you are comfortable with it, I'd love to include a embedded or link to your video within the game's page for better access. It might be what some people need to see to give the game a chance themselves even! :P )

We're working to provide some further news and previews for the next content this month. ^^ Each week should bring some new details, but the ultimate goal is to set a confirmed release date during this month. (Awkward wording: This month we'll set a release date, but that doesn't mean the release date is for June, it could be a July date set.) ^^"

Eyup! ^^ There's still some moments and scenes from before the Ren'py engine swap and revamping of events yet to come. It's safe to say that Nova scene will return in a fitting way. :P

Awesome!! ^^ Yeah, in that case it should've mentioned you could join the Discord server and even give you a Patreon supporter role if your discord is linked with your Patreon. But if that didn't happen, the link posted before to the discord server works still. :P No worries! I think plenty of people within the community probably go by that line of thought, even just to be safe, better safe than sorry!

Sounds good! ^^ With any luck, we'll have a announcement sometime in April to set a confirmed release date for the next episode and how we're handling stuff for what content public will have access to vs supporters until the next following release after that one. Both parties of fans/supporters should be happy though!