Hi. I loved your game, so I made a video about it in Portuguese (Brazil). Thank you for the game.
Recent community posts
Rule Suggestion
It's annoying when a PC die in the begging in a oneshot. He can make another hunter or wait for the end.
So, you could add a rule to let him come back.
The PC who died will return to the Workshop if he has at least one insight. He will loose all insight then and must wait the current scene end.
The PC who died will turn into a corrupted hunter if he has no insight. He will now fight against the other PCs.
This module will be available soon for Foundry VTT: https://github.com/brunocalado/bloodstone
Overview: https://github.com/brunocalado/bloodstone/raw/main/docs/docs-overview.webp
I'm making a Foundry VTT build for this game. Can I share the build in the Foundry VTT repo? I would link to this page. Or maybe you want to add the fvtt world in here.
Preview: https://streamable.com/hnsxoi
Thank you for the amazing jog. I love this tool.
Please, check out how I'm using them: https://streamable.com/7bmz4g