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A member registered Sep 21, 2020

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Town of Sins community · Created a new topic Autocombat

Can you please tell me when autocombat will be available ? It is kind of time consumming to farm floor 1 buck and viagra every day.

The issue solve itself, it was on chrome. There is sometimes error in synchronisation. It disappears after a refresh of the website.

Did you reached the floor 8 of adventure mode ? Opponent have 99 health and each one of her cards are lv 28 legendary (first time you fight her not even in silver or gold difficulty)...

There is a message wrote in russian when i try to launch a fuse. And it doesn't start.

(1 edit)

as this freenium game is gathering a lower quantity of player, they need to bring in much bigger whales. So the difficulty increase, making it unplayable without real money.

We are really fastly confront to aventure enemies with a complete lv15 deck. And at the same time, we got just enough viagra to upgrade 3 rare cards lv 5...

Without the possibility to replay previous aventure matches, this game will stay an unplayable game.

I don't know if the developper read those post, but if he keeps silence, he will only build up frustation on player community.

This game do not stop freezing... I lost my 20 energy today during crashes...