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A member registered Jan 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! This was an entry for a game jam, that's why it's not so polished and it's lacking some important features like sound & music haha.

We are thinking about releasing a full version of the game, people really seem to like it!

Thanks for commenting and for playing the game on stream! I'll have to check it out

El funcionamiento es similar por que está inspirado en inscryption, pero lo hemos desarrollado nosotros mismos, si.  Gracias y me alegro de que te haya gustado! 

Muchas gracias! ^^

Muchas gracias! Hemos intentado pulirlo todo lo posible, y al final no nos dio tiempo a subir el sonido ni la versión web... pero me alegro de que te haya gustado!

I mean... This was awesome. Great game. I could see myself paying for this. The ambience, you feel really tense, the character is beautifull, the music, sound...

The only thing I missed was the camera following the character look (since you make such an awesomme "look down", "look up" animation, if also the camera would go along it would feel great and also would be good for the big fish-like monsters areas.

Thanks for a great game!


Great game and great message, played it all the way throwght. Great work and great interpretation of the theme.

Really fun mechanic! I really like the dashing attack, althought a lot of times I dash and then I get hurt witch feels a little weird (maybe having a timer when the enemys get hurt so they aren't moving and cant harm you?), but when got the hang of it is really fun to use it. It could be further explored since it allows for higher jumps, getting arround spikes and other kinds of obstacles... (there may be this stuff further in the game).

Overall, great work!

(1 edit)

Sure! I will check it out! And thanks for your kind words, its much apreciated.

Nop, there is no normal maping, just normal baked drawings, but it would have been a nice addition

Thanks! We should have done a better job explaining the snakes mechanic, it seems it is hard to get. The can see the character but also hear him, thats why you can run or go slow. If you are going slow its harder for them to detect you.

Thanks for playing and for your support! Much appreciated. I will check your game out

Nice game and visuals; I like the slowing down mechanic, its a nice interpretation of the game jam theme. Sure it still needs a lot of polish but you have to start somewhere! Nice work, keep on it!

Great game! Really beautiful, love the art and the animation. It kept me going till the end.

Thanks! I will check it out

Thanks! Sure I will

Thanks for the feedback! Much apreciated.

Yeah, the detection range varies on the way you are walking (is wider if you are runing, if you are moving slowly they would have to see you). Also the speed is intenden so you can outrun them if you are carryng 1 or 2 weights, but with more you are slower, so it forces you to go after the most valuable prices.

The map was on our wishlist, but we simply didnt have time for it! But yeah, it would be a nice addition


Thanks for your feedback!

That is an odd error, hasn't appeared in any of the computers I have tested, and I do have a panoramic string; I will keep it in mind. Maeby toching some of the configurations it could be fixed

Great game! It looks like a lot of work, really inmersive. I was able to find the big oak that was suposed to be near the house but I couldnt find any more leads arround,

Overall great game, music, and it's awesome you pulled this of in one week!

Not sure how to play on windows

Hi! Great concept, it was really entertaining - i've managed to got throw a couple levels. Althought I left the game when a bug striked. When you have no more hearts left to assign to new habilities, it blocks the game when you select a new hability. This could be easily solved with a cancel button when you have to assign a heart.

But overall i found the idea really interesting!

Hi! I love the art and the mechanic kind of remind me of my own submitted game, althought its a diferent approach!

I think it's a really original mechanic and it really fits the theme. Is there a way to release the objets you have on the dock to release weight? If there is I couldn't find it.

Anyway, awesome job!

I might try againg some time  ^^

Thanks ^^, I liked your game too

Great work! I really enjoyed it! It keept me interested the whole time

Simple game and cool concept! Great work, I liked it.

It is a bit hard to see and to controll using the mouse with the emulator. Not sure if there is a better way to play, and not sure what the emulator adds to the experience.

The visuals are great! Nice job

Sure! I will check it out

I couldnt figure out what to do when you unlock the altars, so I figure I am loosing most of the experience; but overall it looks great and feels good to play!

I really enjoyed this concept. It felt like being in a Poe short story. I wandered arround and found miself dead, althought I am not entirely shure why. I like the way it forces you to use your imagination and create a mental image of the maze, triying to get arround diferent obstacles like the footsteps or the monster, althought it wasn't always clear to me the geometric consistency of the space (or maybe the stuff is moving arround?). Overall, it seems like a well polished game, really interesting concept.

Nice! Good concept and kind of adictive, althought dificult to aim at the begining; maby with a bit bigger sprites and if they stood up from the background more it would improve. Good work!

Hi! It seems that the game crashes... I just downloaded it and uncompressed all in one follder but the following error rises when I try to play it:

Nice concept, I think it might not be intended but you can just walk your way to the end of the level without killing anyone (the enemys dont seem to have any effect on you).

Visuals are nice and there might be some potential, althought at the moment it doesn't seem really polished

You can reload with R, althought it isn't very clear

Nice shooter! It was frustrating at first, maeby some indication in the game to understand the leg mechanic would be nice. Also, althought the controls are the basic shooter controls, it might be nice to be told (i didn't know I could reload at first or change weapons).

But once I got the hang of it it was a nice and fun shooter haha. Good work! 

Cool concept! It is awesome that you made an online game in real time for the jam, althought there was no one when I was playing so mabe some bots would be a great addition

Thanks for your feed back! The idea is, if you go after the treasures who have the most value, you will be able to still move easily - in the trophies room can be checked how much each treasure weight and values

Simple nice game and cool graphics!! Its a joy to play

Did you try using space inside the game? If so, it seems that somehow it isn't working in your end; what explorer did u use? 

Thanks for the general feedback!