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A member registered Apr 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think he's still working on it.

Open the Start menu on your PC, type "Device Manager," and press Enter. You should see an option near the top for Display Adapters. Click the drop-down arrow, and it should list the name of your GPU right there.

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What GPU are you using?

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Have 3 tits or more and develop them with lab

Will be fixed in v0.9.4

"The livestock consent should show up under the Consent option after the very last farm quest has been completed (stage 4). However, as that can get confusing I'll lower it to when the farm is first unlocked at stage 3 in v0.9.4." -AricTriton

When giving birth.

Yup, having some errors in log

Yes the new update. Made a new Strive installation then overwrote the strive folder with the new update files.

Did you delete the backup folder? You need to delete it and have the game make a new backup folder with the files in "Put in Strive" folder.

Both bodiesnaked and bodiespregnant are important folders. You should add them and new instructions have been added on the main post, look into it.

Nope, no additional mods (might add in improvedrandomportraits though, if it works). Re-installed the mod with new instructions and no longer get the error and see lab upgrade now, thanks!

Clicking on "Facilities" in mansion upgrades menu makes this error show up. Will show the same when clicking on again on "Facilities". 

Clicking on "Facilities" many times. Same result.

Won't be able to get a laboratory with this error since laboratory upgrade doesn't show up.

Did you follow the instructions on the main post? There was something about when starting a new save game. "8) For New Games - Create your character as normal, Save as soon as you get to the Mansion (ie: as soon as you can), then Load that save. When you see "Aric Expansion v0.9" in the console, all of the features should be loaded up and ready to use. From then on it should be good to go." You don't have "Aric Expansion v0.92" in your console.

Fixed thanks! Not receiving any error at the moment.

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Which In the "Put in Strive Game files"?

My line 696 for that is    if father == null:

ghostrep for me is at line 533 var ghostrep = {wimborn = 0, frostford = 0, gorn = 0, amberguard = 0}

Fresh install of the game. Aric's Expansion Rebred v0.9.1

How do you get the both mods to work with each other?

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I messed up the mod's folder name hahaha. Thanks for the help!

Also can't choose my race

This showed up when I opened the game.