the thing is its not just lore, these notes and logs are pointing out on serious (not yet critical) issues in jun's stability.
as far as i learned all these files arent setting off any triggers. also there are 2 more files that i learned about.
on top of already known via revenge malware file F:\files\research\journal\1574_12_12.txt
there are 2 more:
regarding other choices, im surprisingly easy breezed through everything to get to the cliffhanger "ending" in jun's origin quest. except for i ignored the join us letter, only to find out later that i missed out some optional content which i dont really miss, but will probably replay later via save editing
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right, so regarding the revenge path i had no reaction whatsoever from anon upon reading \journal entry, nor jun had any reaction or available interactions in that regard. and the bot didnt get sad upon my access to the file as it was claimed in the topic CheaterKiah mentioned. only the malware upload itself made her sad, which was immediately alleviated with headpats, to see if reading the file would yield any effect.
so far seems pretty non consequential, i wonder if that choise would change anything on shanice gps stage, but that requires 14days worth of skipping through
по совести? поступай как знаешь, как чувствуешь. я так делал и вышел на счастливую концовку.
если твое "лучше" тоже подразумевает счастливую концовку, то пересказываю свой план действий: впервые попасть в церковь во время часов монашки, выбрать подбадривающий диалог. второе посещение поболтав с пристботом выбрать "это место запущено в хлам". во время третьего посещения решиться помочь восстановить приста, раскрыв своего бота монашке. в следующее посещение уговорить бота отправиться в ватикан для выяснения ху ис ху.
если я ничего не упустил по выборам, то в дальшейнем через прогулки по улице и звонки ты получишь инфу о продолжении их арки, которая потом перетечет в главное событие 30дня
yeah, i've been there, thats exactly where i got the file path from. however this topic doesnt answer my questions. i wanted to know are there story triggers for these reports, or its an unfinished content for now.
the game to my knowledge has been pretty consistent with not rewarding impulsive dumbass behavior, so i doubt revenge path will yield anything plot-significant (or something with positive consequences at least).
also, i take it the current main story content ends right after the church duo with you and jun go to investigate extracted from the latter gps coordinates?
right after i refused to upload revenge malware to the bot, i got curious about what can i find in her directories, managed to google some
C:\system\debug\reports\report_1.txt then _2 and _3 respectively. turns out someone made a number on jun. judging by the log, she got her 3rd asimov law deleted due to disk corruption, but when i try to access F:\Jun\system\safety\Asimov3.xftt it says access denied, while 1st and 2nd law files are not found at all.
seeing how she shows cracks of your typical ai overlord and overbearing gf, i wonder it is her constant state in the game, or i'll be able to to something about it? coz anon had no ingame reaction upon entering these commands.
im aware that after you decide to upload revenge malware into her, you learn one file path F:\files\research\ journal\1574_12_12.txt which is still accessible if you dont upload anything, but anon has no reaction upon reading it either.
i wonder if i fucked up a possible repair solution for jun by not being a vengeful pitiful little prick?
and im also curious what hides behind the corrupted part in F:\Jun\*M2$7.ess