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Mia the persevering human

A member registered Mar 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hiya, sorry I didn’t text you in ages, just wanted to let ya know I‘m finally active on ao3 so I can finally write some juicy stories (the first one‘s either gonna be about Jester or Francis Mosses) without getting into trouble!My name on there is Mia_Mightful btw, so check it out if you wanna read some stuff :)

'Sup Lemon, long time no texting!Just wanted to let you know I‘m now active on ao3 so I can write some juicy stuff about Jester (it‘s about damn time, seriously).My profile name on there is Mia_Mightful if you’re curious

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can anybody be the Wright to my Edgeworth? 

Weirdo, delete your own life first

Turns out he’s ok, I‘m chatting with him rn on :)

Btw do you know how to deal with a hacker??Some creep‘s threatening to publish nasty stuff about me (a minor) if I don’t send him 1200$ but I just panicked and blocked him before deleting the message 😓

Where‘s Waldo?

There he is!

yes 🤩🤩


Can you make it possible to play this on IPhone and/or IPad?I really love the play through‘s on YT and wish I could play it too :(

she‘s very pretty, lemme show you mine :) 

he looks good, ngl


btw, this is amazing.Could you possibly make one where you can customize Ace Attorney sprites pretty please?

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Elliott‘s wife has arrived

Kinda hot?
yeah I don’t think anyone can answer why that guy ate and left no crumbs in this game


It’s true, I chatted with him on there and he be chilling

I‘m asking the same question here

If he likes getting slapped, I wonder how he‘d react to getting whipped 🤭🧐

HOLY–– Okay, if those smashes were the amounts of rounds you‘d spend with him in bed, you‘d either be a parent to hundreds of half demon babies or he‘d be bone dry and too exhausted get up.Or both of the things.I‘m not judging at all.

Yeah I think I found the aftermath of the wedding ending lmao

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Jester: "Oh my, what a good little puppy!Come here, ya cutie, ya deserve some love~!" *lovingly pets and cuddles you*

The boy looks more like the dad, don’t y’all agree?

POV the aftermath of the Until Death Do Us Part ending:

"Well isn’t that just the cutest name I‘ve heard for a human?" *Papyrus chuckles and gently pinches your left cheek.* "Say- your name sounds quite familiar; do you happen to be Ms. Toriel‘s newly adopted child?I‘m just asking because she mentioned that she adopted a tiny human called Frisk a few days ago."

"Oh good, I thought Sans and I might’ve scared you." *He says and pats your head.* "That reminds me, we forgot to introduce ourselves; this is my older brother, Sans, and my name is Papyrus.It’s nice to make your acquaintance, tiny one." *He says with a calm smile on his face.Meanwhile, Sans finally managed to get up and now brushes some dirt off of his suit while mumbling something in an annoyed way.*

*Papyrus sighs.* "Alright, I‘m not gonna start a fight with him.Still, I apologize for my brother‘s foul behavior towards you.Are you alright?" *He asks you with a hint of concern in his voice as he snaps his fingers, causing his magic to stop affecting Sans and letting him fall face-first onto the ground with a thud.*

*You quickly try to diffuse the situation by flailing your arms to get Papyrus’s attention and fortunately for you, it works and he looks down at you.* "Huh?What is it, tiny one?" *He says as he uses his infamous blue attack on Sans and keeps him afloat in the air as he kneels down in front of you and raises a nonexistent brow.*

"So??" *Sans replies and puts his hands into his pockets.* "I don’t give a shit about your warning." *He says before the taller skeleton suddenly grabs him by the collar of his shirt and turns his soul green to make him unable to move.* "Hey- Papyrus, put me down!"

*What do you do?*

*Stop their fighting  *Continue to watch *Run away as they’re fighting

"And where do ya think yer going, huh?" *He says in an annoyed tone of voice as he blocks your way.* "Think ya can just say "sorry" and run away?Yeah right, don’t make me laugh-" *He says before suddenly a taller skeleton with a slim frame yet wide shoulders (and also wears a suit and hat) appears beside him and puts a hand on the shorter skeleton‘s shoulder, causing him to freeze.* "Sans, what have I told you about pestering humans?" *The taller skeleton asks in an intimidating yet calm manner as he gives the shorter skeleton, who appears to be called Sans, a glare, his eye sockets narrowed and his sharp teeth making him look like more of a serious man.* "That I shouldn’t bother them??" *Sans answers in an annoyed way as he slaps the taller skeleton‘s hand away.* "Who cares if I mess with a human, the cops sure as hell don’t give a damn iffa brat misses a tooth or two." *Sans continues with a shrug, but the taller skeleton gives him another dirty look as he gets in front of you.* "That is a child, you moron, they didn’t do anything wrong." *The tall skeleton says in a stern tone of voice as he stays in front of you as if shielding you (yes he‘s doing the mom-hand thingy right now).*

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*As you wander the streets, you suddenly bump into a large skeleton monster who’s dressed in a suit and wears a hat.He also seems to have sharp teeth, a permanent smile and a gold tooth; the two, small, crimson glowing lights that are in his eye sockets focus on you and his eye sockets narrow a bit.* "Watch where you‘re going, kid." *He says in an annoyed tone of voice.What do you do?*

*Apologize  *Be rude  *Flirt?

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I don’t quite remember either and I‘m not sure if I even want to remember

Welcome to the cult!

Oh hell yeah! >:D

Oh my god YES!This is fabulous!!

Oh my god YES!!!


To be honest, they do look good tho and that’s coming from a non-binary who was once a girl. Also,I think it’s obvious that people can wear anything nowadays, wearing a skirt as a guy can be really comfy and pretty to admire! I admire those that are cross-dressing and I think if you swapped it (girls wearing boys clothing) you‘d be fine with it too.So please don’t hate on something made for fun if there’s nothing to complain about, thanks :)

Not to be disrespectful, but I would run away after slapping dat ass dude!

(I know he‘d catch up with me and punch me for that, but I think it’s worth getting the black eye.)