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A member registered Nov 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hm, I really would like to do some pixel art, but I am willing to try something new! Sure! Contact me on discord.

I should mention, my discord is Micc#2204

Hi, I am Micc!

I am a developer who is looking for a team to join for this jam. I have the most knowledge in Typescript and making games without the help of engines, but I do know how to use engines. If prior knowledge of game engines is needed I have experience with Unity and have made several games with it. I would still prefer not using one, but I do not really mind!

I am also a pixel artist and story writer. 

I love making pixel art characters and writing stories for them, and most of them have been gay lovers. Another thing I have created was a little novel of gay lovers which I am yet to finish but am having a lot of fun writing.

Oh, I almost forgot! I make music! I play several instruments in real life and have made some pretty calming tracks of my own that I listen to unintentionally.

But yeah, that is that. I would love to join a team and help with the creation of a game!


Nice! The Controls where a bit unclear and jumping was a bit weird but other than that, it was good. I like the art style and it was fun to play around with.

No theme! What ever you desire! Just make sure there is no keyboard input.

No Keyboard community · Created a new topic The Jam.
(1 edit)

Oh my gosh. I was not expecting anyone to join this jam. Thank you so much.

Also the fact that their are submissions already is mind blowing.

You guys are amazing, I cant wait to see what else is to be submitted.

Also side note. Next week I will have a discord server and theme as the "No..." series will continue!

Next Jam "No Images"

Yeah I have no clue why, my next game will not have this. Sorry for that :/

Great Game!