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Michael Smith Unsolved

A member registered Mar 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! No it goes on forever. That's a good idea. It is missing an "end screen", maybe after a certain number of destroyed boxes, would also make scores easier to compare.

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it. That flow as the boxes speed up was exactly what I was going for. 

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it. Haha, actually that was one of the original concepts for it, that you would be one box the whole time trying to get to the end. But I went with the multi box option instead in the end.

Thanks for playing. The camera was something I was hoping to polish more, but didn't get to unfortunately. I found it works a bit better in fullscreen, but do wish I'd fixed.

Really, sorry to hear its's not working for you. Should be WASD to change the box size. Are you using the browser or one of the downloads?

Thanks for playing, happy it kept you engaged. You're right it's effectively infinite. The objective is to make as many boxes as you can.

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it. Yes there are, it keeps generating random levels and speeds up, though I think there would be a point where the levels would be impossible to complete. 

Thanks, it catches up quick. Glad you liked it. Great video, had me laughing when the tower first picked you up, most panic I think I’ve seen.

congratulations on Escaping the Tower. 

I’m glad you liked it, thanks for playing. Great video, Brilliant job, you managed to get all three “endings”.

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it.

congratulations on Escaping the Tower.

Thanks for playing. great video. Glad you enjoyed the game. ha ha, funnily enough that was my initial idea, to have the player hiding in the tower from something else. But as I was cycling through monster ideas, the tower coming alive seemed like the best concept.

I’m starting to work on a bigger project now, though want to make some more of these short itch games at some point as it’s so fun.

congratulations on Escaping the Tower.

Great video. Glad you liked the game. Funny reaction to the tower moving. Loved the tense moment at the end where the tower almost caught you.

congratulations on Escaping the Tower.

Brilliant video. Thanks for the kind words. It's great to see reactions to the tower. Had me in stitches when you said  "At this point in time I have trust issues with buildings".

Also great to see you testing the limits of the game at the end. Keep up the good work.

congratulations on Escaping the Tower.

Fantastic Video. Happy you like the concept. It's great to see someones reaction to the tower as well as hear it. Really funny.

Ha Ha, Hoping it surprises everyone. Thanks for playing. glad you liked it, means a lot.

congratulations on beating the Tower.

Amazing video, you played the game almost exactly how I thought players would, so it was great to see.

Great idea about the torches making a symbol like a  pentagram. would have been cool and wish it was something I'd thought of. 

Thanks for playing, great video. You were so close to escaping at the end, had me in suspense as you were running.

That was amazing, great video. Glad you liked the concept, so happy you persisted with it.

I should probably make activating the torches more obvious. It is possible to escape, though I can barely make it knowing where everything is, so maybe I do need to rebalance the speed. The blue ghosts are to stop the player leaving the area, I’m not a fan of invisible walls. 

Awesome, glad to hear you liked it.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoyed the game. Great video, I liked that one of your first thoughts with the grav shifting was to try it outside and break the game. Good job finding the secret endings.

Fun game, really polished, it all fit's together so well. Difficulty ramps up nicely, Early on I spent time finding grandpa, and though I had it down. Although on the later levels I found grandpa, but couldn't click on him in time because everyone else was in the way which presented a new challenge.

Great game. The painted skybox looks beautiful. Nice diversity of quests, feels like so much packed into it. Would love to see it with a bit more polish in a few areas, but understand it's a game jam, the core is really strong. 

Thanks for playing. Ha ha, I agree the ring alone should really be enough to trade for a ticket. Some of my original ideas I had included getting fired for making too many mistakes and being able to sell any item to the phone thief. However both got cut for time...

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. Ha ha,  there are a few different ways to get the required money, hopefully you were able to find one when replaying.

Thank you, so happy you liked it. "Papers, Please" was part of the inspiration for the game, so nice that you were reminded of it . Good idea about making the intro scene skippable once you've seen, I'm going to fix some issues after the Jam, so I'll add that in too.

Thanks. I agree, a lot of the text logic was put in quickly with an aim to go back and tweak/update it later, but I ran out of time. I'll go back and fix the text timing once David has played the games.

I'm glad the decisions required some thought, I spent a while trying to balance it so players had to do some thinking.

Congratulations on getting $355 first time, that's the most you can earn in the game. Ha ha, yeah plenty of extra to go round.