Just for the record, I was able to figure this out tonight, and they look great once I adjusted my settings. So the sprites are 252x48, but only the inner-half is used. I split them into 4, so it was 63x48, and then took the inner two sprites out of every 4. For example, [_, x, x, _] is one frame, and 3frames are [_, x, x, _, _, x, x, _, _, x, x, _].
A member registered Nov 12, 2022
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I'm honestly not sure what the normal sprite etiquette is, but what would be useful for me personally would be to know the width, height, and spacing between your frames (i.e. each sprite is w by h and has x by y padding with n frames). A lot of spritesheets just say 16x16 or 32x32 and then don't have any spacing or margins. Alternatively, the filename could be something16x16.png.
Based on the current packing, they look like they could be much closer together. The file is also all horizontal, which makes it hard to look at on most monitors.
As an aside, I haven't used .ase files and can't read the contents, so maybe that would help answer the question. Since I'm using my own "engine" and haven't used .ase's, I haven't dug into that.