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Michael Mars

A member registered Feb 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Is this project still be worked on?

We really hope you enjoy it! A lot of people put a lot of themselves into this project.

Thanks for your input, we've discussed it with the artist and changed the banner.

I reached out to the artist for more information, thanks!

It's actually running all 31 days!

That is the personal art of one of our artists and not Ryuk, though now that you mention it I do see it

The souls plays entirely on the Deathless mechanic that this jam runs off of. The PCs collect Soul fire from monsters and can use it to bring themselves back from the dead. They also start with 1 from my understanding. As for monsters, that is indeed meant to be filled by the GM on the mountain itself. I would combine it with my Silent Night taking place on the mountain for a stalking horror that they could theoretically lure in to sacrifice.

Thank you for that feedback, this definitely would need context to fit into in a campaign and isn't very drag and droppable. In my mind, this would be best played in a game already featuring Eldritch beings like Cthorkborg with this being a machination of the cult that the party makes a Hail Mary to use to potentially stop the end of the world and buy time to deal with the new problem. Like personally, I would open with my Silent Night going up the mountain to have an eerie atmosphere and a stalking horror hunting those traveling here.

(5 edits)

I attempted to record the rolling of the d20, but it was not legible so you will have to believe me on this unfortunately. The picks in order will be:
5 Vast Grimm PDF

14 Elder Dice

15 Kennels of Karnage

19 30 Days of MB

8 Within A Mile of Home

20 Within A Mile of Home

This looks great, I'm glad to have such a fine submission to the Jam.

The jam will be compiled in PDF and (hopefully) physical format. You can also view all submissions on the submissions tab of the Jam itself. As for compatibility, you would just roll on the slasher victims tables instead and that is all it would need to be compatible.

It doesn't look like you attached the download file.

Thank you so much for your comments! To address your statements: The victims are the slasher classes as they are built for playing in a slasher adventure. I included pictures with lighter backgrounds for higher usability for those that need it as well. The nerd gets its mix from the occasional ability to turn the slasher's strengths into weaknesses and the trope of knowing how to do x plot relevant thing due to a recent test, textbook, etc. As for providing setting and slashers, that's the goal of this jam!

I would lean towards allusions not outright naming, but Crystal Lake is legally usable as is Jason and the hockey mask, though I would not use Jason in that sentence personally as names are typically copywritten. Also Camp Crystal Lake is probably IP but Crystal Lake definitely isn't. That kind of stuff. Obligatory I'm not a lawyer.

My entry was a monster and a class squeezed on one page

Is there a way to turn off certain things from spawning, like mountains?