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Microwaved caprisun

A member registered Dec 17, 2022

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Could you ever do a pack like this of just a few new normal traffic cars, like a 2016 f-150, a honda accord and some other normal traffic  cars

To whoever created and published this mod, you made me weep like a baby today. : r/farmingsimulator

Looks sick! All she needs is a more realistic cab and its perfect!

Would you ever make a small american planter like  a 6 or 8 row Kinzie or Deere for 25

Now all we need is proper corn thresh textures

(1 edit)

Could you do a rcr edit of stitzer? MRG  said he dosent care if you edit and release it.

Can you make a rcr version of stitzer wisconsin? MRG said hes ok with people editing his map

Would you ever make the dairy tiestall a placable?

And outta  nowhere you drop this sick ass map! Nice!

For real 

Could y'all make one for stitzer?

Well those people that complain could use common sence and turn traffic off too instead of being rude to you for it

Antler, the map is amazing. I love it and was wondering if you would ever add traffic to the map? I know most of it is gravel roads but I'm from a more rural area with some gravel roads and plenty of cars still drive down them.


Will it be RCR?

That autocar is sick, is it private or public?

Would you ever add silage corn? Nebraska has a good amount of dairy and beef cattle so seeing some silage corn would be nice

This map is sick! If you update it, would you ever add silage corn?

Can you do a RCR version of Alma Misourri and add silage corn?

Do you have a patreon to test this map?

Thank you so much for this! When it becomes public, can we have a autodrive course for Stitzer Wisconsin by MRG?

Oh no problem, thats really nice of you though.

Can you do autodrive course for stitzer wisconsin by mrg mapping?

It pains me to ask but im a sucker for bank barns, what map are you on?

The shed is awesome by the way, as said before it feels like a normal midwest shed. Great job!

Amazing mower!


(1 edit)

That ohio richland edit in the back looks sick, Is it a private edit? Also, love the baler!

What cow barn in in the photos?

Is there any way to make it so the barns can hold more than 80 cows?

Thanks man, I would also like to say I love this mod!

I hate to be the jerk that asks, but what map is that first few pics on?

its been more then 30 days

Oh no no no, your all good man. You made this map 10x better anyways.

Will you ever add the abaility to have animals in the animal barns on the map?

Who pissed you off today, jackoff?

Well eh, guess I dont know what I doing because I didnt lower the amount but oh well

Ohhhh. That makes more sence. I gotta edit the buildings in the pack.

Well thank you bud!