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in the latest patch, we had to withdraw the Android file to fix some bugs, since we are working on Year 2, we haven't had the time to circle back to the Android file,  very sorry for the inconvenience! 😭

Hi bạn, chúng mình xin phép được add tác phẩm của bạn vào collection game/visual novel Việt nhé! Mong đợi những tác phẩm kế tiếp của bạn ❤️

There are two "endings" that are both available, one NSFW and one SFW, and there is a toggle of the settings that can turn on/off the NSFW part, but I do wonder if it's more plausible to make two entirely separated versions 🥲

...oh, we do have the explicit body parts exposed, but the main focus is not NSFW and the scenes are skippable (with NSFW toggle on/off), now I still wonder if it's still eroge or not

thank you for your encouragement! 🥹🥹

cứ comment nha, có gì bọn mình trả lời được thì trả lời nhaaaaa

Hi bạn, cảm ơn bạn đã yêu thích game 😭 thật ra bọn mình có kế hoạch làm năm 3 gấp đôi năm 1/năm 2, kiểu gấp đôi số moon phase so với năm 1/năm 2 nên gọi là 4 năm cũng được, nhưng thời gian in-game là 3 năm á. Còn lỗi của Peria ending thì nếu được c gửi bọn mình screencap log lỗi (kéo xuống dưới cùng) để bọn mình check bug nhe.

Nếu spoil thêm thì có thể trên group cộng đồng "Thảo luận cua và ship đuông dừa" bọn mình có up cái gì đó :))))) c qua chơi nhaaaaa

Hello, thank you for your compliment! We are trying our best to finalize Part 2/Year 2(out of 3 Years/Parts) by the end of 2024, but not too sure about the final completed version 😭

i will be very honest to you that i... havent checked since we updated the debugged file for a certain award submission and time was ticking 😭but i do recommend waiting for the next part (planned to release at the end of 2024), we will make a lot of improvements and changes!

fate of a court drama character can be tough but no worries MC is not dead *YET* !

just very small details and extra dialogues for now!

Thank you for your heartfelt & long comment, I'm happy that you have decided to give our game a try! We will try our best to finish Year 2/Part 2 in 2024, and will strive to be a little bit more popular 😂

thank you for your support, let's live our life as adults to the best!

thank you, adult lives can be messy at times but we are trying our best to create and polish! hope to see you when we release next update!

yes, the version we post is a demo!

hi các bạn, chúng mình xin phép add Mèo Hàng Xóm vào collection novel và game Việt nhé😚

hi các bạn, mình xin phép add Phá Kén vào collection game và novel Việt nhé 😚

y1 tweaking and trimming will be implemented after us getting done with y2, stay tuned!

actually it was a smart move since...high chance you will have to play the game all over again since we for now do not know how to intergrate the previous demo's data to the new part 😭 i read this comment while screaming in my pillow "WHY IS MAKING THIS GAME SO DAMN HARD" so you really heal my soul, thank you!

Các bạn ơi, chúng mình xin phép add tác phẩm của các bạn vào collection Game/visual novel của người Việt nha ❤️

haven't started programming yet since we need to finish the script first, yet that would be a first priority!

totally not! we are just people who don't remember to share the progress (very shy!)

thank you so much, I have seen our works get included in your recommendation list, would love to hear insights from you!

dạ, chúng em mong sau sẽ đủ cứng cáp để mời được anh chị hợp tác ạ 🥰🥰

Chúng em xin phép chị Thanh và anh Vinh được add game của hai anh chị vào collection game Việt trên chúng em sưu tầm ạ 🥰🥰

hi bạn, nếu mình không nhầm thì bạn cũng là người Việt ha, nếu bạn không phiền thì mình xin phép được add Error143 vào collection game/visual novel của dev Việt nha 🥰🥰🥰

hi các bạn, mình xin phép add game của các bạn vào bộ sưu tầm Game/Visual Novel việt nhé, cảm ơn các bạn nhiều 🥰🥰

các bạn ơi mình xin phép add game vào collection game Việt trên nha <3


(1 edit)

I (the director) have to say I'm really impressed with how you observe the characters, it almost ticks all of my intentions! But for now, let us have a moment to discuss all of these, we will get back to you soon  🌷

You have no idea that I (the director) gasped when I see the noti from you popping !! No worries at all, we are all adults here we understand the pain of mundane life 😭😭😭 (talking as if i am not totally swept away by life so it makes me writing Y2 much slower than I thought 😭😭). Thank you so much again for the constant support, really looking forward to see the French translation!!

If you are talking about writing of the main character, yes! And if you are talking about database on journals and all, we are slowly implementing, stay tuned!

oh shit we totally forgot about that, thank you for pointing out!

Oh, on another note! We have been follow you and your works on both instagram and on our personal accounts, it has been an honor to have you playing our game! ✿✿✿ cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều!!

If you meant to continue to first demo (which ends in Autumn Y1)'s progress to the second demo (Winter Y1), I'm afraid that we didn't find the solution to that (╥﹏╥) We are currently working on Y2, and we will find a way to let players continue their progress and stats from Y1 to Y2!

Hello, thank you so much for your support, time sure flies! It's been 2 years, so I think it won't be a problem at all! Below are the ever-so-slightly-hints of A Regal's  Attention I & II 

1/ A Regal's Attention I :  You shall encounter Mahaya with a significant stat of CHR in Gardening

2/ A Regal's Atttention II: You shall encounter Peria with a significant stat of CHR in Gardening. You might or might not need a certain prior knowledge, but being a 20+ times veteran, I'm sure you know the answer!

Again, thank you so much for your support! 

Hi các bạn, mình xin phép thêm game vào bộ sưu tập các game và novel tiếng Việt trên ạ (ノ≧∀≦)ノ ‥…━━━★ Chúc mừng các bạn đã hoàn thành game!

 so far, we don't have any plan of it yet! but if the game is successful enough, we might be able to add the Court Attendants as the potential LIs!

let me tell the programmer real quick! did you manage to reach level 4 for any court attendant?

that would be alright, no worries! thank you for the hard work!