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Midnight Games

A member registered May 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Telmo! Just checked out your game. You've done an incredible job putting this together and  I can see your skills have really improved. Would love to see more of this and more games from you! :)

Nice video, thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for checking out the game. Great video :)

Thanks for checking out the game. Glad you enjoyed it :)

Wish you were grading it!

Loved the video, thanks for checking it out.

I'm currently working on an update. Thanks for playing, your video was awesome!

Cool video. Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for playing!

Haha yes I started with a calculator and calendar, which eventually led me to working on this. Your video was great, thanks for trying it out!

Glad you enjoyed it! I'm currently working on adding more. Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for trying the game out and for including it in your video 

I appreciate you trying it out. Thanks for the video.

Thanks for checking out the game. I enjoyed watching your gameplay

Thanks for your comments, I'll take it on board. Cheers for trying it out!

Thanks for playing! Good sense of humour running through your video.

Great video, I enjoyed watching. Thanks for trying it out and your comments :)

Nice video. Thanks for checking out the game!

Pesky crow is always trying to escape ;)

Thanks for trying out the game, I enjoyed your commentary. All the feedback I'm receiving is giving me plenty of ideas of how to expand upon this concept further.

Thanks for your comment, your video was great! I appreciate you trying it out :)

Cool video, glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks for playing :)

I wanted something you wouldn't expect, but thanks for the feedback and trying the game.

I enjoyed your video. Creating a tense atmosphere was an important part of the experience. Thanks for playing!

Great video. Thanks for playing!

Firstly, thanks for trying it out. Yes, its more of a technical piece than a game and a learning experience for myself. I appreciate all the feedback in your video.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the video and feedback. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks Chazz! :)

Nice video and thanks for playing. Hopefully I'll be able to add more content soon.

Love the video, thanks for playing! Glad you want to see more. Maybe in a future version you'll find out how its all connected ;)

Thank you for playing, and thanks for the video!

Thanks for playing, I enjoyed your video. It was intended to be more of a proof of concept than a game, but with the feedback I've received so far I would like to develop it further.

Hi! Yes, hopefully I'll be able to add to the game soon and create more content. Thanks for trying it out.

Thanks for playing, your video was great!

Thanks for your video. I agree with your comments about player purpose and giving context to the situation, which I aim to improve on in future developments.

(1 edit)

It was my aim to create an immersive atmosphere, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for playing and the video :)

Thanks for your comments and video. This was my first attempt at a horror game, so glad I'm on the right track. 

Thanks for your video, glad you enjoyed it!

Great video, thanks for a playing! Definitely planning on making more content in future games.

I can't say how long exactly, but my original idea was a VR based horror game which went a bit wrong and I changed the design late in the semester. 

I did enjoy your gameplay video. Thanks for trying it out! It was my intention to make a longer experience, I just run out of time before my submission deadline.